
06 May 2009

Cheap yet Effective Make Up Remover

I love Pond's Cold cream because it thoroughly removes my foundation and concealer. It also incorporates a little massage to the face (versus cleansing oils that you plainly splash onto your face) to improve microcirculation.

The Edge:
  • waaaaay cheaper than Shu's :D
  • mildly scented
  • moisturizes skin making it soft and supple afterward
  • great for getting tough foundie/concealer off the face
  • i have an outrageously sensitive skin and i never broke out on this one

  • you still need a tissue/wet wipe to remove the cream
  • there is the need to reapply the cream all over again (after taking it off the first time) if you're wearing heavy make up
  • the face can get a lil greasy after removing the stuff off your face (an uh-oh for oily skinned gals like me)... but you'll wash the face with soap after, anyway
  • if you wear make up daily, the size of the cold cream may be insufficient for you (somebody tell me if it has a bigger size!)
If you're a newbie to make up (just like me) and you're not into make up removers yet, do consider having one. You need it to ensure that the face is squeaky clean after washing with your fave cleanser. You might want to start with a Pond's cold cream purchase!

Royally yours, Bleak


  1. i agree...
    i use ponnd's cold cream to remove my face makeup too..

    Although i have a some makeup removers..but i find myself reaching to this because i have tried,tested & love it...

    plus my wallet loves it too...hehe

  2. you are right! it's really good for makeup starters :)

  3. @thiamere
    it's one of my TAT stuff, too! L'oreal eye make up remover is another tat product for me!

    glad you agreed with me. i started with make up just recently but i never gave a thought about make up removing products... not until i broke out and narrowed down the problem to not thoroughly cleaning my face off deep seated make up prods.

  4. Is this available everywhere?

  5. why yes, Chrissy :D you can find it even in the supermart.

  6. i've been hearing good things about this since i was in grade school! i've never tried it though. maybe i should try it sometime.

  7. Hey, the your Pond's packaging is so much cuter than the one we have in canada. haha. I love pond's cold cream. that reminds me i got to get another tub~

  8. I use cetaphil but i'll try this too :D


I'd love to hear what you think!