
20 November 2009

Package from Lotus Palace

Today wasn't a good day for me. But then,

I drove to the Post Office and got my wonderful beauty loot from Kathi of Lotus Palace.

This is my much anticipated package ever since Miss Wiggle posted about the Jill Stuart palette she scored from dear Kathi. Who wouldn't be excited knowing that your stuff will be packed so cutely! I'm such a sucker for kawaii packages.

Kathi did not fail me... Look!

Shiseido, Kanebo and Ettusais eye palettes; BRTC BB pact, Cathy Cat oil-free foundie and 2 Arbutin face masks beneath the loot!

I told you about the cute packaging, didn't I? Right in my fingertips!

Strawberries, plaids, cherries and pink! That's my package's theme ata, ahluvit!

I bought 3 items from her. And here's what she sent me:

BB Balm? Bemish Balm Balm???! Forgive me, guess I got too giddy!

Now, for the emo part of this post...

I actually thought that I'd be gloomy all day because of the many personal problems I have. It's just amazing to realize how a lovingly wrapped package like this can brighten me up.

More than the package, I believe what truly made my day was realizing that someone from afar, who doesn't even know me personally, can actually touch my life. Kathi's note looked cutesy and plain with that kitty envelope, but it carried the right words to make me feel that someone actually cares.

She might not know it, but she was able to touch someone faaaar away from her.

I hope your day is as blessed as mine. My day might have set off on the wrong foot, but life's wonderful mysteries never cease to amaze me.


  1. Thanks for mentioning me in your post! ;)

    Aren't her packages just the nicest surprise? It's a great pick-me-up for those gloomy days. I was actually SUPER tired when I got mine, and when I saw her package I was jumping up and down! (OK, just one jump... xD)

  2. The packaging is so kawaii indeed. LOL at the "BB Balm" and "Bemish Balm Balm". I hope you are feeling much much better now. *hugs*

  3. goodness gracious...i love everything..that package can cheer me up indeed.^_^ have a nice sunday ^_^

  4. how nice!

    when i checked out her blog sale all the good stuff are already taken

    but i do check her sale every now & then

    she's so sweet wrapping everything in a nice package

  5. love the packaging. :D

    smile now dearie. :)

  6. You got some really nice things and the packaging is very cute too. I hope you are feeling better now.

  7. Hi girlie!

    I'm having a blog sale!



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