
18 January 2010

Pinay Online Shoppers Alert!

Went to QC P.O. today to claim my packages.  

The good news is that I got my packages.

The bad news?  

The PO head who strutted after the guy who scoured for my packages told me that today must be a lucky day for me.  Well yeah, I thought, because ima get myself some goodies.  And then she commanded  (commanded.  think military.) the guy to inspect what's inside.

I've nothing against inspections.  It's just that this was the first time they've ever opened a cosmetics package from me.  And so I thought something wasn't right.

Boy, was I so right.  

She told me I'm so lucky coz she'll let me off the hook this time. Packages like these, she said, aren't allowed to be turned over to addressees without proper clearance from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  I nodded like an elementary school kid.

I asked her for the process on how to go about clearing my future loots from the FDA.  She gave me a bunch of jargons, and an explanation that merited a "WTF are you saying?" remark.  The only thing that seeped through my brain was that the clearance thing was to protect us buyers from bad chemicals and poison that these cosmetics might contain.  Geeesh.

And so I smiled politely and thanked her for the generous act of letting me keep my stuff.  Thank you for letting me keep what's mine and thank you for the humble tax you so generously impose on my purchases.

"And who's '(says my name)'?"  I was startled by her commanding voice.  "Uhm, ako po (Uhm, that's me)."  

"You have beautiful skin and you have fine pores."  I raised an eyebrow as she walked back to her chair to grab a slab of pizza from the box she and her colleagues were feasting on.  Yes, even that complimenting statement sounded like you have to salute to her. 

I hope you girls are claiming your packages just fine.  I wanna hear your stories if ever this similar event comes up! (I know our beloved Thiamere has had her fair share of Philippine PO oddities)


  1. tsk tsk tsk
    i won't go ranting na kasi alam mu na ang experience ko...XD

    i just hope that when you get to claim something again, you won't get to meet the same bunch of idiots...mali..people pala

    on the other hand...
    great haul!

    I wanted to try that set when it was available on e.kaya lang naubusan na ko nung bibilhin ko na

    will be waiting for your looks & reviews

  2. teka tinatakot niyo ako ni thia mag order international eh,and what the heck were the poison and chemical inspection from the FDA is all about??so you still have to let them open your loots and grab samples for them to test(i doubt na free of charge)before you can claim them.&%(^$*#%^" no way!!! i hate hate hate PO's!!!! to think di ko pa sila nakakharap hehe..anyway nice haul pooooo

  3. hay! good thing i don't get to deal with these Post Office people, i always address my packages here at the office, we have someone who goes there at the post office to pick up official parcels/packages and dinadamay na rin nila kunin even the personal stuff of the employees.

    i've never been charge more than the usual 35 peso fee. and i hope it will be like that forever haha

  4. haha that's why i rarely order myself online now. I join poolings :D less hassle

  5. small hiccup but hey you got your big reward in the end, look at all those stila products :)

  6. Customs officers (from the Bureau of Customs) are in-charge of parcel inspections, not the people from the post office (which is under the city government). Just want to set things straight so we wont be barking at the wrong tree. :)

  7. Read this:

    I just think those people wants a lagay.

  8. you must be so excited to use all of your new stila stuff! forget that scrooge who has nothing better to do! ^_^

    ps. Makati PO people are nice imho. :)

  9. i agree. PH PO people are morons, i mean, clueless. LOL

    they are pretending they know what they're doing haha. buti am now out of Manila, i can send my stuff here na lang.

    great loot btw! been eyeing a lot og Stila recos across blogs. have to restraint myself from succumbing! hehe.

  10. hayy thats why im afraid to buy online from international online stores. ive read a lot of bad stories too :/ lovely haul btw!

    <--jealous! haha

    oh and i finally got to go to 6f about 3 weeks ago. Just got our internet connection back, will be posting about it soon. Super thank you!!! :)

  11. buti na lang all my packages go straight to boyfie's house para walang ganyan ganyan. hay ano ba yang mga tao sa PO!

  12. did they give you a receipt? me, i didn't pay talaga bcoz they don't have a receipt. nilakasan ko talaga voice ko asking them why i have to pay "taxes" for getting the package. nagbayad na kaya ng tax yung nagpadala, noh!

    in the end, binigay nila sa akin package ng wala "taxes" na binabayaran.

    hope you can visit and leave your mark on my blogs :)
    my real story
    my minute maid

  13. Ay bat ganun QC post office girl, I don't experience anything like that in my Manila PO, I'm soooo happy I live in Malate ahaha ;)

    They don't open my packages bihira lang ;)

  14. hi :) long time no see^^
    i wanted to tell you that i'm having a jewelry giveaway with Noriki, please join if you are interested^^
    have a great sunday :)

  15. hi po,

    I super agree, there was this one time my taiwanese friend sent me a package and it was tea! pure fresh Oolong tea, i fell in love with this tea. so cheap and made my skin so soft and shiny. anyways, When I went to the PO to get my package they asked me so many questions like.. why is it in chinese? Why was it in foil? oh god! then they didn't even asked me if they could open it.. they just simply open it.. geesh! I was so angry but i can't get mad because i was afraid they won't give me my tea, so after a long conversation they finally gave me my package! what a day!

    I really like reading your blog! though i just stumbled on it few weeks ago.. super nice!!


  16. I've read somewhat same experiences as you from the PO there, that's too bad. :\


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