
16 February 2010

An Update AGAIN on that Styli Style Line and Seal Eyeliner

Hi girls!!!

Forgive my blog necromancing, and forgive me, too, for posting about my HG eyeliner for the 3rd time in a row.

I celebrated Valentine's Day with my family plus the bf at the mall.  We had lunch, watched Dear John (oh, brother.  I think I'm getting really old for not liking cheesy stuffs like this flick), had dinner, then screened another movie, Wolfman, to end our Vday.

So I didn't like Dear John that much.  But I was a mess inside the movie house for crying a lot.  My heart sympathizes with old people a lot (maybe because I encounter them always at work).  And so it always hits me when Mr. Tyree's all so alone and unappreciated by Mr. Good-looking-Muscle-Man (i didn't like him as John, sorry).  And don't asked me how I let out a whimper when John's father died. Ooooh.

Yes I was a total mess.  Or so I thought I was.

When my mom and I went to the ladies room, mom was complaining how swollen her eyes looked.  My eyes looked like they cried a lot too, but my liner barely budged off my lashlines! Weeee!  

Now I really really really am IN LOVE with it.

You know what to put on when out for a tear-jerking movie, ok?  I felt like I should share this "glorious" thing with you, too.

Thanks for STILL reading! :)


  1. you made me want Styli Style more and more :)

  2. awww...
    i haven't watch movies in a long while!
    I haven'thad a styli style liner yet..i think i need to check that out na nga...

    talking about waterproof,huh?

  3. promising eyeliner! i wanna watch Dear John too. the story sounds nice, saw the trailer before. =)

  4. Haha! Glad to know that the liner didn't fail you. Now I'm getting more and more curious with Sytli Style liners. I've read a LOT of blogs raving on Styli Style liners.

    Lots of love,


I'd love to hear what you think!