
11 December 2010

Giveaway Winner

Here's the randomized list of the qualified entries:

Congratulations to # 16!

Congrats to Thiamere for winning one Derma Gift Certificate worth 2,000php! Please use the contact form on my sidebar to send me your shipping details (complete name, mailing address).

Thanks to those who joined my giveaway!


  1. Congrats to the winner!

    (Haha...I hope you weren't witnessing my madness while changing my layout. Darn Blogger was and is making me nuts! I was growing tired of my last one. Hope this new one grows on you too =)

  2. Thanks Lis. I hope I can sponsor an international giveaway too.

    LOL, I could imagine that! I sometimes sleep in the morning just tweaking the darn layout. Yup, it'll grow on me :) but i kinda figured you'll be toying with your layout (like me!) anytime soon coz blogger templates is soooo tempting to play with.

  3. OMG!
    I won!

    madadampian ng derma ang fez ko


    what a way to perk me up lalo ngayon at tinatrangkaso ko. im so happy i could fly!


I'd love to hear what you think!