
23 February 2011

Bieber Bangs Goes Down The Drain... But Not In Vain!

Would you be thrilled if you knew that your cut-off locks had some huge value in it? Justine Bieber gets a hair cut and all the cut hair will be given to charity.

from Vanessa Price's tweet 

The iconic 'do waved goodbye a day ago to millions of gushing Bieber fans. Justin Bieber tweets:

The fab hairdresser, Vanessa Price, is surely in for huge popularity, a long line of clients and probably an added thousands of twitter followers.

I think I like him better this way. It's amazing how celebs can make huge money from their chopped hair.

Will be getting a haircut next week. Anyone interested in mine?


  1. hi! Thanks for the comment :) yeah i guess kkcenterhk is promoting their website to alot of bloggers so people can check their products out :)

  2. that guy seriously needs a haircut, period. LOL i can't stand his hair, and his voice, tbh

  3. Ryc: i haven't tried the vitacreme sample out yet (it's ages since i bought it...i know!!!)

    are you lemming anything lately :)? think im running out of inspirations, haha

  4. Well if it's going to charity, I guess it isn't so bad...hehe. I agree with you. I like his new hair!

  5. He looks better. Good that he's donating to charity...wonder how much money the cut hair will fetch.

  6. I think I like his current hair better than the "bieber/pacquiao" hair LOL

  7. In terms of cut or style, it's pretty much the same look, just slightly shorter and better styled. I do like that he went a shade lighter, though. That's a nice touch.


I'd love to hear what you think!