
23 March 2011

Doing What You Love Most

"One of the greatest steps to land your foot on in this big staircase called happiness is doing what you love most"  -nagsesenting herroyalbleakness, ngayung ngayon lang habang nagbabasa ng libro kaya napa-blog bigla

Can one exude sexiness by posing with the mouth left slighly opened?

Case in point: Kate Moss x Longchamp Summer 2011 Campaign Ads


Kate Moss is oozing sexy in the midst of the great hard work and toil needed to launch a collection. The secret? Do something you really, really, really love. I know it's no secret at all but this one's just so difficult to do. *sighs heavily and goes back to reading PT books*


  1. I can relate to this big time!
    I left my previous job last year because I landed my dream job.
    My previous job pays more, about 6K difference to my current work. But I love my current job so much that I never feel tired at all. and I look forward to work everyday!

  2. That's great to hear, Hollie! It's so good you finally landed on something you're genuinely happy about --- irregardless of the moolah you get from it

  3. Nice blog. I'm a new follower and your blog inspires me to beautify my skin hehe! Hope you can check my blog too..:)

    Looking forward to your next post.

  4. Still looking for my dream job! =(

    But - I am so so happy for you,, congratulations!



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  5. @Jenggay

    Followed ya! :) Keep up the nice work :)


    I hope you find your dream job real soon :D

  6. Babe, thank you for the note! *hugs* I am a-ok! =D Just a bit busy. I'm working on a new post! *crosses fingers* LOL! Hope this sees you well too. How's your brother doing now?


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