
03 September 2011

One Horrible Nail Polish Brush

Do you actually open the bottle of nail polish you are about to purchase to check on the brush? Because I don't and I learned that there's a good deal in doing so, the hard way.

I purchased The Face Shop's polish in BR806 and I was horrified to see that my new bottle of polish had a brush specially designed for Hulk's nails. Sigh.

I'm reluctant to return it (even if it's unused) because I'm doubting The Face Shop will replace it. I know I have to try but it's not worth my time if I can't get it replaced since I purchased this from a branch faaaaaar from where I live.


  1. Oh wow, that's one crappy brush >.>
    Good luck on replacing it! :( I hope they let you exchange it.. I never check the brushes of the nail polishes i buy.. where I love, they have this 'if you open it, you buy it' policy.. even if you're just checking the brush. They tell you that's what the tester is for -___-;;

  2. LOL at your reference to the Hulk. :P Seriously though, I never open it to check prior to purchasing either. This gives me pause. Do you have an old bottle of polish? Perhaps you can swap the brush out?

  3. lol, that's so funny! "hulk's nails"! thanks for pointing it out though. i have tiny fingernails, i can't see this working with me :)

    join my ongoing giveaway!!!

  4. @Jen
    we pretty much have the similar consumer-retailer relationship scenario from where i live. isn't it a bit horrible?

    i will delay using it. i'll wait till i finish up my base coat and use that bottle's brush instead.

  5. @ShopNChomp

    This photo has my ENTIRE collection of polishes, haha. Really. So i don't have an old one I can swap brushes with.

    I'll have to wait for my base coat yo hit bottom so that I can use its brush for the BR806.

    OR, I can actually swap them now since it's just a base coat....


  6. @fashioneggplant

    it's really a bad, monstrous brush if you see it in person! Hay! i'll get to your page in a bit :) thanks for dropping by my blog :D

  7. Oh yuck, I hate big brushes! I don't have a habit of checking them so I'm glad you brought it up! I will definitely do this in the future...

  8. I do! I check the brush and the consistency of the polish and I smell it, too! Some look opaque in the bottle but are sheer when applied (I''m talking to you, Etude House!) so I always check and swatch if possible.

    Surprisingly, I love TFS Face It polishes but I don't recall them having fat brushes. Could this be an isolated incident?

  9. Sayang! I love BR806 pa naman. It's my favorite nail polish.

    Anyway, I've experienced that before... but with a caronia nail polish. Good thing it was cheap. Pero kainis pa din.

    Some of the bristles were hard and it made streaks that you just can't correct.

  10. yikes! that looks so huge and splayed badly for a new nail polish brush! i also do not check before i buy because i trust that it's good. but i usually buy trusted brands kasi like OPI. i am hesitant to try very cheap polishes kasi i think there's a catch. ask for an exchange na lang sis, much better imo.


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