
21 September 2011

Thank You

I can't thank you girls enough for your well wishes and prayers. Papa has been discharged from the hospital already and is now trying to regain his strength back. Our family is greatly blessed with people like you who never forgot to include my dad in their thoughts and prayers.

Papa seems to be more lively now and a bit stubborn with complying to doctor's orders (he complains about why he was recommended to rest for a month; says it's too much rest. sigh). He's pretty much back to his old self. 

However, our family's battle isn't over as we are awaiting test results that will allow us to have a better grasp of dad's REAL condition (we'll be held in suspense for a month). I am hoping that you can still include my Papa in your prayers.

I can't believe my scheduled posts reverted back to draft! What's up with blogger's new posting interface? I'll revert to the old one...


  1. Drop by the chapel I told you about if you have the time. He'll be better, just have faith. :)

  2. Sweetie, I am so glad to hear he is out of the hospital! Please keep us posted on his progress. I'll keep him in my prayers. :)

  3. that is indeed good news sis! hopefully it's not a serious case and of course, you and your loved ones will always be in my prayers. ~hugs~

    about blogger new interface, i hate it! i can't seem to figure out which to click next. am still using the old interface. :-/

  4. Hope he gets "more better" :D

    Reverted back to the old gui too. I'm using a netbook and the new interface takes too much of my very limited monitor space :P

  5. Hi, I came across your site and wasn’t able to get an email address to contact you. Would you please consider adding a link to my website on your page. Please email me back and we'll talk about it.


    Hailey William


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