
09 October 2011

Throw Me Anythin Cheap

Because I luhuuvvv all things pretty and cheap :)

Do you ever snob those 10-peso miscellaneous stores you find in the mall (lahat sampung piso store)? I actually regret the days I did the day I found a couple of nice bracelets from them. I got some beaded bracelets, three of which I wore here:

2 for 15 pesos --- not bad! 

The downside to this great bargain is that you'll definitely end up bumping into someone wearing the same stuff since the store keeps a gazillion of each piece. Also, there isn't much of a variety in the designs and colors.

Pairing them with a white & silver cuff

The beads below, minus the neon coolness, are VERY similar to those I got (both photos from

The colors are more like these: 

I feel triumphant every time I score pieces that are durrrt cheap. And with stores like these around, my addiction for cheap stuff will never go hungry!


  1. I remember tuloy when I bought this pair of earrings from that all for 10 pesos store... when I wore it I saw 3 ladies wearing the same thing! haha!

  2. wow the bracelets are lovely!:) super cute!

  3. LOL, i love getting bargain items. i'm not too fussy if people have the same accessories as me, everyone's bound to have someone that has the same clothes or shoes! It's all about how you wear em and what kind of statement they make!! I just love cheap stuff haha

  4. @Photoescape

    there's always a catch to cheap stuff, eh?


    yes they are! :) i think ull like em especially since you LUV stacking bracelets



  5. i love a good bargain. nice beads.

  6. wow, i love those beaded bracelets and I have actually never seen anything like it O.o. Do I need to go out more?

  7. @cushy and Arrow

    they're really nice beads :)

  8. I love those 10-pesos stalls. I buy lots of those beaded bracelets and either use them as materials for my crafting or tweak them a bit with ribbons or metal charms.


I'd love to hear what you think!