
05 February 2010

Sporting a Natural Flush using Bodyshop's Tints and Maybelline's Mineral Blush

Q:  How do I keep my Bodyshop cheek tint long-lasting?

A: I top it off with my Maybelline Clear Smooth Minerals in Gentle Pink!

Maybelline Clear Smooth Minerals Luminous Blush in Gentle Pink, around 350php (~$7)

Swatch: no shimmers but it glows; luminous indeed!

It even has instructions at the box's back!

I dab Bodyshop's tint over the apples of my cheeks, then use Charm's stippling brush to get a small amount of mineral blush and dust it over the tint.... and voila!  A natural flush that lasts longer!

Here's how the tandem worked on my cheeks after an evening reunion (~6 to 7hours post-application; blotted twice):

Not as stunning as how it looked before going out; nevertheless, it still looked healthy on me
(this post has the amount of scars I had to cover up, scroll through the bottom)

What I used:
Clinique DDMG
Smashbox Photofinish Primer Clear
Cinema Secrets Ultimate Foundation in 302-65A
Aromaleigh URFP in Peaches and Cream to 'degrease' my face from the concealer
Joppa Grecian Gold Mineral Foundation
Aromaleigh URFP again to seal in everything

Still, The Bodyshop Lip and Cheek Tint!

My tattered and torn Bodyshop Lip and Cheek Tint; I love it to bits!  Surprisingly, this baby knocked out NARS powder blushes bad in my case...

I know there are a lot of people who are wary about getting this cheek tint because of:

application issues
dissatisfaction in color pay-off
some reviews that say it doesn't last long

But I hope you can:

try using a flat foundation brush to distribute the gel
experiment with building up its color
digest what I've reviewed because it can really last long

Because I believe that the Bodyshop lip and cheek tint gives the best healthy blush and I want you to experience it, too!

Thanks for reading!


  1. I have the same one in Gentle pink an dI love how natural it looks! yours came out really nice :)

  2. It looks nice! I was just wondering, do you apply the cheek tint OVER foundation? Isn't it hard to blend?

  3. Nikki --- the reason why I got Gentle Pink, among their numerous shades, was that I see how natural it is on your blog posts *wink*

    Soapaholic --- Yep, over my powder foundie (with my my middle finger) sis! I'm not a makeup pro, but I never found it hard to apply this way.

  4. That looks lovely and so natural on you!

  5. you look so naturally rosy with it

    i haven't tried TBS' tint...i'll put this nga on my items-to-check list...

    check lang..hehe
    project 10 pan ako e

    but with your post, baka mapabili ako!

    hope you'll have a lovely weekend,girl!

  6. Great post! The color looks lovely on you. =D

  7. i'm a big fan of bodyshop. will try the products that you recommended. hope it works well for me too :)

    RJ's day to day activities
    Journal of RJ's mom

  8. I love Maybelline's mineral blushes.. I got one in Plum alchemy the other day but I want to try Gentle pink too. Lovely post! xoxo

  9. this was really helpful b/c I don't know so much about check tints. it came out really great on you!


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