
10 November 2010

Giveaway Closed

CONRATULATIONS to Shy of!  It's sad that she was the only one who joined the contest, but perhaps because the contest rules were tad complicated.

Since I'm supposed to give out 2 GC's, I'm giving out the remaining GC in another giveaway with simpler rules (I hope).


When I bought my cheap Obagi set last week from Doc Six Foronda, I also grabbed three derma gift certificates to gift my BFF's this Christmas.  But my dermatologist is simply generous.  She gave me three extra GCs for free!  Nakakahiya, pero wtf... go!

So I'm giving away two (2), non-expiring, P2,000 g-certs (I'm keeping one! :D) to pay it forward.

Dr. Six Foronda's 6F Aesthetics clinic's gift certificates

However, there are a few restrictions to this giveaway:
1. must be a Manila-based blogger (Dr. Six Foronda's clinic is in Amorsolo St., Makati)
2. winners must be willing to blog about the 6F Aesthetics experience (may it be your own or the one you're giving the GC to)

1. Follow The Beauty Bin via Google Reader
2. Add The Beauty Bin to your blog roll
3. Blog about this contest by:
  • telling me which of my blog post/s inspired/struck you.[note: mention the title of the post in your entry and link the title to my article]. If there ain't any, tell me what would (that sounds easier).
  • telling me which service/s from Doc Six Foronda's clinic would benefit you (6F Aesthetics Services)
  • add a brief note about the giveaway and link to it
4. Leave a comment on this post containing (1) your email address and (2) the link to your blog entry.

Willing to kill for extra entries? 
1. Followers of the Beauty Bin before this contest get extra entries. Please state 'OLD FOLLOWER' (+2 entries)
3. Link this contest post on Twitter (+1 entry)  provide link
4. Link this giveaway on Facebook (+1 entry) provide link
5. Subscribe to The Beauty Bin (+2 entries) only activated subscriptions will count, pls use the email you provided for the main entry to subscribe
6. Put this giveaway on your sidebar (+2 entries)

Main entry+ additional entries must be contained in ONE comment post only.   Non-conforming entries will be disqualified so please key-in everything correctly.

Contest ends November 30, 2010, 11:59pm.  

Drawing winners:
1. One winner will be drawn via (all entries will be keyed in to the list randomizer first before drawing winner via the true number generator).  
2. The other winner will win based on the blog entry (i'll be looking for sincere, interesting and creative posts)

Winners will be announced on December 3, 2010 and will be notified via email. 6F Aesthetics gift certificates will be sent via courier service.


  1. Such a nice giveaway, Argie. Good luck and I'm sure the winners will be so happy with the prizes. :P

  2. Yoh! Another contest/giveaway. Love 6F. I wonder if you can still remember be but I won the back TCA peel before. I wonder if I'm still eligible. Hihi. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. hi sis, nice giveaway =)

    Old follower here =)

    this is my blog entry link:

    my twitter link:!/shykulasa

  5. Lovely giveaway! I won the laser treatment last time and I just had two sessions coz I was trying to call their number to book an appointment but it was always busy or not working (so frustrating!).

  6. @Pammy - thanks, girl!

    @ Liz - You are, ba't naman hindi :)

    @ Bec - it's 7522087, right? I call the clinic every month and I'm not having problems getting to them. Hmmm... can it be a PLDT-Bayantel problem? Can you mail me your contact details (via the blog's contact form) so that I can update doc's secretary with your contact info.

  7. @shy - yay! my first entry.

    im a bit sad that no one seems to enter the contest. but it's okay, those who'll join have higher chances of winning :)

  8. @Arg, yep that's the number! I tried calling ulit kanina and this time, wala namang sumasagot. :( I would like to book for an appointment kasi sana this sat. I emailed you my contact details.

  9. I hope you had fun with your 6F experience last Saturday, Bec! :)

    Your contact info is in.

  10. Thanks Arg! I had fun. My boyfriend accompanied me and took some pictures during the procedure. I'll post them in my blog soon! :)

  11. Big thanks arg really love it =)

    Its my first time to receive a blog giveaway contest at wala pa akong nakalaban, thanks so much ...

    Looking forward to receiving my GC and I'll post my 6F experience as soon as possible!

  12. @Bec

    Glad you were able to make it sis :) I'll check your post out! excited!


    I sent the GC via MC Express awhile ago. Expect it tomorrow sis :D

  13. received the GC now arg =)

    im so lucky, i love 6F!

    THANKS a bunch :D


I'd love to hear what you think!