
14 November 2010

Meeting Miss Universe 2010's 4th Runner Up

It never hit me that I'd be able to rub elbows with a beauty queen ever in my life.

But two days ago, during the Cream Silk event at LU Restaurant, I and some fellow bloggers came face to face with Miss Universe 2010's 4th Runner Up, Venus Raj.  I listened to her speak, admired the way she graced the crowd, and took a truckload of photos of her towering physique and gorgeous long black hair.

Miss Universe 2010's 4th Runner Up, Venus Raj --- bubbly and beautiful

Venus Raj's humble beginnings isn't new to most Filipinos.  Majority of us know that she came from a very poor family and struggled to finish college, cum laude.  I also learned that she grew up in a humble nipa hut home, devoid of electricity. She'd be walking to school along rice paddies daily, not minding the toll it took on her, but even thanked her Maker for the privilege of getting an education albeit the hardships.

She truly is a fit choice to be ambassador for Cream Silk's Women Empowerment Program.

LU Restaurant was where we spent the rainy afternoon in.

LU Restaurant, serving Mediterranean Moroccan food
Joya Building, Rockwell, Makati

afternoon delights --- there were more treats but I failed to take a pic
(so i placed the pic with the glass of water and flower to fill the space up)

our table

the set-up was fit for princesses that the guys almost puked LOL
hats off to Franco Santos and his team for primping the entire resto with such dainty designs

And I met great men and women alike during the event! 

Sire of Your Majesty Sire and Leika of I'm Ready For My Close Up

The guy who made it possible for me to score invites for the event
Alvin of Cheftonio (left) and his friend

My seatmate that afternoon, Sheila, of

Finally, I got the chance to meet Phoebe of
Been reading her web page since swipemesomegloss days

Posing with Julia of Bless My Bag
(i knew it! i've seen her on TV and she confirmed that she's with Living Asia)

ZC Makati & Environs' Melanie deLeon and Carol Ocampo-Llanillo

Chef Luigi Terry, owner of LU Restaurant --- such a nice guy!

More event pics:

Leika and Phoebe beaming with joy. Why? Pink Polaroid brand Cameras.

Above: Sire and Leika making chismis
Below: Julia and Phoebe bonding through photography

It wouldn't be complete without pictures with the down-to-earth beauty queen:

Venus Raj together with Cream Silk representatives and the scholars

I thought this black and white version of Phoeb's pose with Venus looked nice

Venus Raj and a very frumpy me! I look like her muchacha
the trick to make it past through Venus' shoulders? killer heels ive managed to pull out of a baul (i'm a flats person)

I am an events virgin.  I felt kinda irresponsible that afternoon since I was an hour late (my review professor didn't let us go on time! + the rainy afternoon's crazy traffic). *shakes head*

It's so nice to know that this first experience is an unforgettable and a fruitful one.  The Empowered Filipina event gifted me with the revelation of how I've been a contributor to Cream Silk's scholarship program for the past two years now to give hope to young girls who are denied of their right to an education.


  1. What a lovely event! :) And no, you don't look frumpy. You look like your usual classy, pretty self!

  2. You're such a darling, Lisa! Thank you for seeing past through the hideous get up and the limp hair (c/o the rain). :)

  3. Awww..I also got an invite for the Cream Silk event too (thanks Alvin!) but unfortunately I wasn't able to come. Sayang, I wasn't able to meet you gals (and guys) in person. Hopefully next time! :)

  4. Looks like you had a blast! :P Pink polaroids? Cute! ;P

  5. how awesome! she has the most perfect body!

  6. @Bec,

    Ooooh, sayang. We could've finally met. The event was undaunted by the unexpected downpour. If it didn't rain (causing the craziest traffic jam in EDSA), I'm sure there would've been more of us in that event.

  7. @Pammy

    it's pink digicam :) brand's polaroid. i think i got most of my readers confused...

    yes, she's really sexy!

  8. I missed this event! I missed meeting Venus Raj! :) I was doing the usual boring stuffs! WORK! :)

  9. Just saw your blog post now.. Glad to have met you too.


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