
21 November 2010

One More P2000 Derma GC to be Given Away! CLOSED

There's one more P2000 6F Aesthetics Gift Certificate awaiting a winner!

Contest Prerequisite:

  • must be a resident in Metro Manila (Dr. Six Foronda's clinic is in Amorsolo St., Makati)

HOW TO JOIN: (main entry)
1. You can twit/blog about/Facebook shoutout this giveaway.  Please link to this page.
2. Tell me which 6F Aesthetics Service best interests you and a brief reason why.
3. Use the comment form below to write down your email address (to contact winner), the 6F service you'd like to avail of and the link to where you told others about this giveaway.

Willing to kill for extra entries? (additional entries)
1. Followers (via GFC) of the Beauty Bin before this contest get extra entries. Please state 'OLD FOLLOWER' (+2 entries)
2. New followers (via GFC) get +1 entry state your username
3. Link this contest post AGAIN on another social networking site different from your main entry (blog/twitter/Facebook; +1 per social networking site used)  provide link/s 
4. Add The Beauty Bin to your blogroll (+2 entries)
5. Subscribe to The Beauty Bin (+2 entries) only activated subscriptions will count, pls use the email you provided for the main entry to subscribe
6. Put this giveaway on your sidebar (+2 entries)

Main entry+ additional entries must be contained in ONE comment post only.   Non-conforming entries will be disqualified so please key-in everything correctly.  And please make sure your links are working!

All entries must be in by December 10, 2010, 11:59pm.  (1) Winner will be chosen via and will be notified via email.  


  1. -im an old follower

    -i would like to try the diamond know, i have never tried going to facial salons for the thought of undergoing painful treatments drives me crazy!haha... but i guess there's always a first time!

    -i posted it HERE

    -i made a FB post HERE

    -you're already on my main beauty blog's blogroll

    im keeping my fingers crossed for i remember reading your post about the obagi that was recommended fort you & that you are happy with this clinic's services...

  2. Oh darn, I don't qualify. =\

    Hope you had a lovely weekend!

  3. Linked here via FB:!/profile.php?id=1118437440
    (under my profile: Lizzie Dee)

    Since I've experienced the back TCA peel, that's what I really love from 6F Aesthetics Service! Good results since my skin became smoother and the bacne marks lighten. Itchiness is tolerable for the sake of beauty! Nice staff and quality service plus it's free! What else could I ask for? :)
    My email is liezl_7m5(at)yahoo(dot)com

    Extra entries:
    1. Old follwer/Already a follower: Lizzy Overcashed
    2. NA.
    3. My Social network:
    Tweeted here:!/liezlmaj
    Dugg here:
    Blogged it here:
    4. Beauty Bin Link is here: as "The Beauty Bin"
    5. Already a subscriber using liezl_7m5(at)yahoo(dot)com
    6. Contest is placed on left sidebar of:
    Under Linkination sidebar

  4. Hi Arg, enter me please! :)

    I would love to try their Diamond Peel because I have enlarged pores on my nose and I heard that DP will help improve my skin condition.

    Tweeted about your giveaway here:!/wednesdei/status/6612812021370880


    Extra entries:

    Old follower here (via GFC)

    Posted your giveaway in my FB page:

    Posted your giveaway inmy Friendster account:

    You are already in my blogroll:

    I'm subscribed to your blog using email ad: wednesdei[at]gmail[dot]com

    Posted your giveaway in my sidebar:

  5. I want to try out the TCA peel because my skin has been acting up lately! Hopefully it would help the oiliness, and the random tiny but annoying bumps I get sometimes. My email is inevitableoblivion(@)gmail(.)com (also my GFC username!)

    I am a new follower of you blog and here are my main and other entries:
    24 Nov Tweet
    24 Nov FB post and a screenshot too
    Blog post
    Blogroll + Sidebar post


I'd love to hear what you think!