
22 November 2010

Zap the Oil: Purederm T-zone Mask Review

I bought three packs of Purederm T-zone Face Mask several weeks ago at a discounted price. Although I really couldn't figure out what sheet masks do for my skin (there are no obvious and instant benefits, that's why), I gave in to getting these babies.

Purederm T-zone Treatment Masks available at Watson's

Purederm T-zone Treatment Mask promises:
  a pore refining action with each use
  oil controlling benefits through lactic acid, witch hazel and multifruit extracts 
  convenience of use

Directions for use:
1. Take out and unfold T-mask and apply on forehead and nose
2. Relax for 15-20 minutes and remove mask.
3. Gently massage any remaining fluid into skin.

When I opened the pack, I noticed that a good amount of bluish fluid was left on the sachet. Product wasted, I thought, and so I spilled the fluid slowly onto the sheet mask for it to be reabsorbed.

On Oil Control
I might have to argue with its pore refining claims but I have to agree that Purederm T zone Mask did the job in managing the excessive oiliness along my T zone area.  There was really nothing superb after rinsing.  I only appreciated the oil-controlling benefits 10 minutes after washing my face off, just when my oilies were supposed to conquer my face in full force.

The oilies are controlled only for a good 20-30 minutes, though.  You can make this weak point an advantage by using the mask before you apply makeup.  In this manner, it becomes less frustrating to prettify the face since your makeup is grounded on a clean, oil-free slate.  (remember to use a primer since this will prolong oil-control on the T-zone area)

Being A Day Mask
I've always labelled sheet masks as nighttime beauty products--- primping tools to relieve the face from the day's stress.  The Purederm T-zone treatment mask, on the other hand, is something I'd recommend before leaving home.  You'd want to be shine-free in front of others and not when you're around a bunch of pillows and teddy bears.

This mask can actually replace your toner --- but it can be a bit pricey if this happens!

On the Price
A single-mask pack costs P39.75 (almost a dollar).  Keep your toners and use Purederm T-zone masks during special days.  It can be a pain to spend almost P280 (~$6) every week for 30minutes of oil control.

Also, be on the look out for special deals.  I got these three on a bargain (Buy 2, Get 1 Free).  The downside is that they easily run out of stocks on racks.

Overall, this is a so-so product I won't be raving much about. I will recommend it to those with combination skin, but will think twice about telling it to those with uber oily t-zones.

I will buy a pack of Purederm T-zone Mask again, but will not stock up on these, as I will only use them on days I need special primping.  It's just nice to have another beauty product for combination skin types since most oil-controlling sheet masks can dry out our cheeks too much (which can be difficult to work with when putting on makeup).  


  1. same with me... i have tried a couple of masks but it doesn't give me any instant results tooo...

    well, at least it did control your oilies which in a way is good considering that it is just P39, i guess it's not a bad deal,right?

    have a great week,sweetie!

  2. Nice review, Argie. I haven't tried this mask but after your review, I think this is worth trying. :P

  3. Just so-so? Thanks for the heads up. =D

  4. hey! i sooo wish i could bring the sleeping mask back with me lol thanks i would definitely post a blowout of the cream blush swatches <3 perhaps a review on those too! i'd do a post like this after my exams xoxo!

    have you had a bloggers meetup before? :)

  5. @Thiamere

    yup, not a bad deal since it gave me some results--- sort of (yep, 30mins of oil control is already something).


    thanks. you can buy a pack and try it for yourself :) i hope they've stocked up on this T-zone mask. they've got U-masks too which are more stocked up on.

  6. @Solar flare

    thanks for dropping by!

    @ Lis,

    yup, so-so rating :D i'm really not a mask person.

  7. @Jen,

    i've met up with bloggers too, yes. but they're pretty much near where I live. i understand you recently met up with michelle and she's from australia.

    if i had known you a year back, i would've met up with you, too :) i stayed near Nathan Rd, TST when i vacationed in HK. :D

  8. Thank you doll for the sweet comment! I hear Boracay is gorgeous =D


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