
27 February 2011

Catching Up With the Gang at Crisostomo

Happy Sunday everyone! I'm sharing one of my fondest moments during the first quarter of 2011... hanging out with my college classmates in PT at Crisostomo Restaurant!

We loved how we sort of had the place to ourselves --- well at least that area immediately outside the resto since we had friends who smoked their guts out.

My PT classmates @ Crisostomo Restaurant in Libis, QC, Jan 2011

Some of the food we ordered

The interior and lighting were posh enough to exude an inviting ambiance for couples or groups of friends. It could, however, ward off potential Crisostomo customers who may conclude that the food may be priced sky-high.

We opted for Filipino food because of our balikbayan classmates. They've been in the U.S. for quite some time and are dying to gobble up as much Filipino food as they can. The resto's menu was packed with amusing dish names, reminiscent of Noli and El Fili, that kept us entertained (Adobo Damaso kept us roaring with laughter! Care to take a bite off Padre Damaso's fats?)

Ensaladang Erehe (leafy veggies w/ tomatoes,
chopped green mangoes, onions and shrimp paste)

Adobo Rice

A party of Pinoy sauces (drooling over bagoong/shrimp paste)

A big platter of grilled stuff --- stuffed squid, milkfish belly,
and some other fish I can't name + chicken and pork bbq

Overall, the food was okay but I wouldn't spend that much on something that my mom can cook as good at home. Service was good, but not exemplary (perhaps because we ate outside?). It's more for balikbayans, and if you want to impress foreigner friends. 

Crisostomo is a fine resto to go to but there are other Filipino restos that offer fairly-priced Pinoy dishes you can enjoy!

Crisostomo Restaurant
2/F Eastwood Mall Veranda, 
Libis Quezon City
(02) 710-1693
Crisostomo, Turn of the Century Filipino Cuisine

Veranda dining area @ Crisostomo 


  1. looks like you've had a great time :D!! and the food is so drool-worthy....:P

  2. that's such a cool restaurant!! :) and yeah i think you got the place all by yourselves haha :D

  3. Like the outfit, Argie. And yum! I miss you and Crystal. Let's catch up soon? :P


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