
06 March 2011

No-Cook Tomato and Basil Penne Pasta

Happy Sunday, everyone! Let me complete my series of weight loss posts with a healthy pasta recipe. 

300g penne pasta (boiled al dente)
3tbsp EVOO
1 1/4tbsp balsalmic vinegar
1 cup fresh basil leaves (shred by hands to prevent bruising)
4-5pcs tomatoes (boiled, peeled and chopped)
2 cloves garlic (minced)
salt and pepper to taste
parmesan cheese

1: Mix everything in except the noodles and parmesan
2: Let all the sauce ingredients mingle for ~10mins
3: Toss the noodles in + parmesan

And we are now ready to plate! Add in your favorite bread stick and you're pretty much good to go.

If you are a bit rigorous on losing weight, you can substitute the white penne with any type of whole grain noodles

Do you have your own healthy and no-cook recipes, too? Do share them, I'd love to know! I know Ava has a similar fix in salad form.


  1. This looks yummy! =D Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  2. Yummy! Okay, I'm now going to cook pesto because of this. :P

  3. glad you're all loving the easy recipe, sugar, pammy and lara! :)

  4. oh my...this looks SO delicious, and SO simple to make! please post more of these in the future!

  5. Yummers! I <3 pasta =D

    Hope you had a fab weekend!!


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