
06 April 2011

Why Not Cry On A Wednesday Afternoon?

For the pet lovers out there, here's something to cheer you up get you teary-eyed, for a change :)

I love this story and it never fails to keep my eyes soaked. If you've cried buckets from watching Hachiko, this is pretty much like it, out of the reel.

HOW COULD YOU? by Jim Willis


  1. The moment I saw Hachiko, I told myself, ayaw ko umiyak ayaw ko umiyak, and didn't click on How Could you. :P

    Alam mo namang iyakin tayo. Haha!

  2. I first watched Hachicko early last year (2010). I cried my eyes out like how a woman cries when heart broken LOL! my husband was laughing at me the whole time.

    I still watch that movie every now and then, it's one of those movies that is really unforgettable.

  3. OH MY! I watched ONLY The trailer of Hachiko and I cried BUCKETS! sabi nga ni hubby, "lets not watch it anymore" kasi super iyak talaga! hahahhaa


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