
14 June 2012

Oh No! Not Another 'I'm Still Alive' Post

But yes, I'm still alive.

You would not think so though if you knew what I had to go through these past few months. I feel my life has never been at such a low point. But thanks to a strong, wonderful, and an untiring support group, I am back to living life and typing blog posts, hee.

Rach Grad
I'm the type who knows how to smile and be funny even in the stinkiest places
I'm glad God helped me remember that through friends and family
I can't count the times I fought back tears in public places every time I realize how life can still be so wonderful

Thank you to everyone who mailed me and checked on me. You are parts of the big reason why I came out a stronger person from these difficult times.

I'll be back to posting stuff in a few. Sit tight, ladies. :)


  1. Hi Argie :) Welcome back! I'm glad to know that you're doing good right now.

  2. check out pond's second episode of their kor-rom-com webenovela:

    thank you.


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