
15 November 2010

The Longer, The Better

As promised, an outfit post on what I wore during the LG P500 Sale Fiasco.  If only I had a longer black cardi, the entire outfit would've improved, don't you think?

Forever 21 woven top
Topshop black cardigan that fell a little short :(
thrifted denims skirt
Landmark gray ballet cap toe flats
Landmark coral shoulder bag
The cute flats aren't super comfortable when I first used it several weeks ago, but I'm glad that it got tad roomy after 2-3 uses and housed my feet just fine during the long hours of standing in line.

Landmark gray ballet cap toe flats, 500 (~$10)

Also, I'd like to think that my newfound skin products are working for my skin!  I'm more than a week old on my local obagi set from Doc Six Foronda (weeee! no tocino-ish redness!) and a month and a half old on using Asian Secrets Lulur body scrub.


  1. I am into that type of shoes, very comfortable! I love your full body shot!

  2. Cute pair of flats and yes, a longer cardigan would've made a lot of difference. :P

    Let's set that date with Crystal. :P

  3. @Nikki

    it's so flattering to hear that from you! thanks!


    I have Crystals number. Hopefully next week. Naadik ata ako mag update ng blog minsan i don't run through my notes na from review..haha! I have free time next week I suppose. Game? :)

  4. I love your bag! I have been looking for that shade. Thanks for sharing! Now I know where to go to. :)

  5. I agree that your skin care is working, you're glowing! =)

  6. It's a cute bag in person. It just doesn't photograph well.

    You'll be surprised at how nice the deals are at Landmark Dept Store.

  7. @Neuro Chiq

    Thanks :D And to think I've been on a bad sleeping habit for the past few weeks... I hope the meds won't tire giving me the glow (i have the type of skin that gets immuned to skin care products --- not good).

  8. Hun, your outfit looks cute! I especially adore those flats. =D Yay to your new skincare regime working for you!

  9. Oh yes, I get a high from scoring cheap and nice buys...hee hee! XD

    Wow, nice to know that your Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel has lasted for so long! I tried that gel and it unfortunately broke me out. I'm actually surprised that Clinique is working for me considering their famous 3 step program ruined my skin years ago. =( But I'm happy with the Moisture Surge so I think I'll be sticking with it! =)

  10. love the shoes!! wish we had those kinda shoes with that kind of price tag here!!

  11. I actually think the cardigan you're wearing looks fine naman :) And yes, your skin is glowing! I suck at skincare lol, I just use a facial wash and moisturizer but I know I gotta beef up on my ritual x_x

  12. @Ja,

    you should frequent outlet sales there. i know you have tones of goodies with great marked-down prices overseas, you just have to scour for them , i guess :)

    visit landmark when you get the chance to visit Pinas.

    you think so? :) i find them a lil too short. well maybe because everyone's sporting mid-thigh-length cardis these days...

    on skincare. i just recently realized that it's better to shell out on skincare prods than makeup. so that's what im doing now :) tell me if you've upgraded yours, ha.


I'd love to hear what you think!