
06 January 2011

Are You Using Fake BB Creams? Check Your Tubes!

Don't be taken aback, but yes, BB creams are being defrauded too nowadays. I was surprised to read about this beauty breaking news and wondered if I ever did slather on a fake BB cream. If you can recall, I was able to get my hands on several BB creams including Skinfood Aloe, Elianto Miracle Multiplex, Purederm Magic, Dr. Jart Silver and Skin79 Waterdrop. I wish I knew how to check each tube's authenticity.

If there's one good thing about this sad news, not all BB creams have been duped. Currently, only Missha, Skinfood and Skin79 brands are experiencing issues.

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I have to commend these girls for sharing their Sherlock Holmes moments. They did an amazing job with their BB cream sleuthing to alarm readers about these rip-offs. Here are more beauty detectives:

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However, I cannot rule out the fact that these posts might not be as real as they seem. These write-ups might be circulated to bring certain companies down, eliminate resellers, or whatever purpose there is that you can probably think of. The articles seem to be authentic (actually, helpful!) in my opinion, but it is equally essential to still consider the other possibility.

Please read these three blog pages that I referred to for an in-depth note. You can make your own conclusion after reading each post. While Sparkle Apple seems to be the most reliable post, she failed to do a side by side testing with the original product. I'm a bit skeptic about Vivavoomz' and Little Makeup Box's posts since the former posted pictures provided by Skin79 Singapore while the latter was promoting their BB cream shop.

I'd love to know what you think of these fake bb creams and on the articles that are supposed to help us check out our blemish balm babies.

If fake bb creams are truly just around the corner (hello, ebay), please be careful in purchasing. I love bb creams (my current love: Purederm Magic) and I hate to conclude that there are phonies wrecking the market.


  1. You know what? this is a great article and source for people who are purchasing inexpensive bb creams online! My friend bought the VIP Gold Skin 79 BB cream and I am sure it is fake when I saw it! Its way cheaper than the original and the packaging is just different!

  2. @Nikki
    Oh no! That's too sad. Thanks for sharing your friend's story with us.

    However, the cynical me can't rule out the fact that these fake ones MAY also be coming from the brands-in-issue themselves... i dunno, maybe to eliminate resellers who kill the business.

    But then again, these brands might not be doing so (and I'm crucifying them!)and are really victims of some phony retards who have nothing fruitful to do.

  3. OMG there are even fake BB creams @_@?!!! jeeeez

    are you using bb creams now too? i've stopped using them for a year :)

  4. oh wow, thank you for the heads up babe! i actually use skin79 BB creams, good thing i bought mine at watson's. now ladies wil have to be more careful when getting bb creams online.

  5. oh wow, thank you for the heads up babe! i actually use skin79 BB creams, good thing i bought mine at watson's. now ladies wil have to be more careful when getting bb creams online.

  6. This is scary. >o<" I think I'll just stay away from BB creams for now.

  7. OMG!
    i know that there are some catches with those cheap bb creams on some sites e..

    good thing that i don't use bb creams anymore because i think it's a bit hard to tell teh real one from the fake one because the difference is not much.

    i hope that girls who use bb creams will stumble on this post to be warned about it.

  8. oh thanks for this! i didnt know there are a lot of FAKE bb creams nowadays..

  9. @Jen

    I miss you! I'm still using my Purederm bb cream once in a while if i feel like wanting to look real fresh all day without having to retouch with powder.

  10. Amen, George!

    Because of this hubbub, more people will buy from the brand's shops, instead of getting their tubes from resellers. that's how i came to conclude that these fakes may have been circulated by the brands themselves. haha! im so cynical, eh.

    glad you are at peace that your tube is genuine!

  11. @Sugar

    that's one of the drawbacks... people choosing not to venture with bb creams anymore which is kinda sad. what if it actually works on their skin sans the price of some luxurious brands? i don't really know.

    we just have to protect ourselves.

  12. @Jem and Khymm

    i wasn't aware of FAKE bb creams until yesterday, too, that's why i posted this public service article (and "stole" pics from 3 blogs).

    i felt compelled to let my readers know about it and be wary of their cheap, online purchases.

  13. Oh no. I can't believe there are now fake BB Creams. They're supposed to be good for the skin, now I wonder what will happen if the Bb Cream one uses is fake. That's just so sad.

  14. woah..i never knew that bb creams were already duped...grabe..even BB creams ba naman..and by the looks of it ang hirap i distinguish not unless gamitin m na siya..scary

  15. thanks for posting this article. i do not know much about bb creams. i only use powder foundation. ill stay away from bb creams sold online.

    tc :)

  16. Now I'm actually not regretting the fact that I have yet to find a BB cream that works for me. I can't believe the lengths some people would go just to make a quick buck. =( I am sticking with my tinted moisturizer! You've done a great service to those who are BB cream consumers. =D

  17. and now they're even faking bb creams? creepy. imagine the different skin diseases you'll get from untested bb creams!

  18. wow there's so many fake bb creams! thanks for the heads up!

  19. This is so scary D:

    May I ask where you got your fake BB creams from? Like, specific sellers from ebay so everyone can avoid them? Haha

  20. hi can i ask where did you buy the bb creams. I am afraid to be a victim... can you check this seller for me, I am attracted with her products and she is a korean, I hope she sells authentic even if her products are much cheaper..


  21. awwwe. thanks for featured me on your post ^^ *kiss*

  22. PHEW! This was sooo helpful. I have confirmed that my BB cream is authentic!

  23. Definitely helpful and informative. Good Job!

  24. OMG OMG OMG. And I was just looking at bb creams on ebay. There're no actual pictures of course, they are saying it's real and it comes from Korea and they have high ratings buuuuuuuuut I'm not so sure now. Haha. The Korean bb creams that they sell here in the ph is waaaayyyy overpriced than the ones I bought from legitimate stores when I went to China. Hmm better research some more. Thanks for this though!


I'd love to hear what you think!