
15 April 2011

Skin Update: Going Bare Because I'm Doing Much Better

Some signs that tell you your skin is improving, apart from being complemented by others, are being able to get out of the house bare-faced and being confident about having your picture taken even without makeup.

My macho pitbull, Maxx, wearing my laboratory glasses

I'm now able to go out of the house (to review school, to my home-care patients, and for errands) without having to put powder on! I must confess that I never dared step out of the house without dusting powder on my face. 

Also, I no longer frown at the camera if I'm not wearing my thick liquid foundation. I worry less about how I'd look like in photos without all that heavy makeup.

Maxx took up acting skills some few months back
he's waaay better than local actor, Aljur Abrenica (sorry, fans)

Again, my skin is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from perfect. But I'm loving the big improvements it has achieved to-date. Good skincare line + a good derma = better skin!

Skincare products I use:

AM: Acne Soap (from derma)
      : Clinique Toner 2
    : Hamilton or Lab 46 sunblocks (used interchangeably depending on how oily my skin is; Lab 46 not              recommended o dry-skin days)

PM: Shu Uemura Cleansing Oil (on commute days or if makeup was worn) OR kojic soap (from derma)
     : I alternate Pond's Cold Cream to make sure I don't finish up my Shu Oil too fast (haha, I still don't have anyone to buy for me from Duty Free)
     : Local Obagi every other night (glowing solution>retinoic acid gel alternated with glycolic cream>brightening cream 
     : Clinique Turnaround concentrate on non-Obagi nights
     : Acne lotion, spot treatment, if pimples come up

Frequency of Derma Visit: from twice a month ---> bi-/tri-monthly visits :)

Improvements: skin clarity, texture and tone; pore size (not dramatic though); post-acne marks/blemishes; acne scars are present but their discoloration has diminished hugely therefore seem invisible and shallow; occurence of cystic pimples on the Tzone and cheeks; amount of oil on the face (I shifted from Clinique toner 3 to 2)

Points of Improvement: complete removal of acne scarring that becomes obvious under certain lightings


  1. wow!
    im so happy for you,sis!

    maxx is so cute wearing that glasses!

    can't wait to see you

  2. You look fabulous! :) Good for you! It's good that you found a skin regimen that works! ^_^

  3. wow that is nice, me too I really need to do something with my super bad skin. La pa kasi budget hehe..But I will soon.. hehe. your pix with maxx is uber cute and kulet hehe!

  4. Nice, so happy for you! I hope it stays that way and gets even better pa! don't we all wishes that? :D Congrats on the gorgeous photo without makeup!

  5. still looks pretty even without make up. Sana ako rin. hahaha :))

    followed u pala :D

  6. thanks beauties :D

    jealous of my dog maxx because he has an even better skin (pimple- and scar-free!)...

  7. awww...happy you found a skin that does least in a good way...

    Oh my maxx is huge! very CUTE! does he bite?

  8. @ Lousie

    he's not really huge, HUGE. He's just bulky on the chest and shoulders. he can still be quite 'smaller' (or lower? idunno) when beside other pitbulls.

    all i know is he's CUTE. he acts like a toy breed i tell ya!

    nope, he doesn't bite humans. he'd even play with burglars (think: akyat bahay) for all he cares.

    pitbulls are NOT GOOD GUARD DOGS. i rest my case.

  9. you look great!! i use to never the house w/o make up too!! great photos and cute dog <3

  10. Maxx is so cute with that glasses. still a macho dog. :D

    Excited to see you girls on Sunday! :P

  11. You look great! I'm so glad you found a skincare regimen that works for you.

    Maxx is so cute! :)

  12. so love your big doggy! and I envy the fact that you can go bare, how I wish I can do the same sooon..

  13. that's nice to know! Im a dog lover but have been reserved about pitbulls and makes them seem like dogs that just "snap!*

    awww now I want a dog like max!

  14. Teka... ako ang star ng post na 'to ah, bakit si maxx ang mas napapansin?

    @ Augustalolita

    thanks, sweets! :) high five on being able to go out without makeup on!


    see you on Sunday :)

    @ Gio

    Yup, im so happy i found one that worked for my troubled skin.

    @ Hollie

    it wasnt until i realized that i have to invest in skincare products that i got better skin. :) so i cut down on makeup costs and went for cleansers, moisturizers, serums that made my skin look better.

    @ Louise

    wanna borrow Maxx for a while? :D

  15. Haha...I love that pic of Maxx with the glasses! XD So cute. Your skin looks better and better each time. I love the glow you have. :D

    Have fun shopping this weekend!

    (Fine dining restos are nice but as long as the food's good, it really doesn't matter where you are. :)

  16. Was the same way. Really happy for you!

  17. You look a lot younger than i am because of your skin, and i'm only 15 :/ I really want to have a skin color like yours. We have the same color (your skin color) Can you teach me how? :)


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