All Glammed Up



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I tried to fake a streak of confidence as i quivered at the thought of my wardrobe's mediocracy. In the middle of Le Souffle's finest function room, I trembled at the thought of being seen wearing something so ordinary to an event where almost everyone nonchalantly displayed the finest coutured dresses and gowns.

Slowly, I tried to have that thought put off, as it has been bothering me for the longest time, even back at the Archbishop's Palace where the wedding rites took place. I tried to muse at the Boucard paintings that hung on the wall and concocted a simple game that would relate to it just to release the suffocating tension I felt. What the hell was I thinking that I even forgot it was one of the posh weddings that I'd be going to???

Ate France is such a dear friend and "ate" to me and my sibs. Her family's a close family friend, too. She did decide to tie the knot at 30, and who knows how old she might've gotten had everyone failed to push her into settling down. She's overly career driven, forgetting that we, ladies, do have an expiration when it comes to bearing quality kids (champion breed, as mutts would put it). Everyone just feels so happy that she and Vince, both chief editors of their respective esteemed magazines, finally took time out of their erratic work schedules to get their vows declared in the eyes of God and of men.

In the absence of a chauffeur, I voluntarily tasked myself to do the honors for my mom and her bestfriend. My dad can't fulfill that duty as it fell on a weekday. Thinking that choosing a glam outfit would be much of a detriment to my driving assignment (a long drive, my friends), I chose to wear something I was totally comfortable in, while still staying elegant. My dress will have its limitations, while my shoes won't since my bare feet would just kiss the gas-break-clutch pedals. It is in this light that my shoes were so fab, while my dress was just... so-so. Driving, I felt good about the way I looked, and I loved the comfort it brought me. 3:00 pm's sunlight-aircon battle irritated my passengers, who were grandiosely clothed, while I sat humming to the radio's tune ignoring the glaring heat outside.

I guess I should've stayed in the car. I felt like a total gatecrasher.

The reception programme went on as I dug into my Chilean Sea Bass number. Yummy. I'll just concentrate on my food and on how this French meal has been perfected. I really don't want the night spoiled in the middle of this fantastic meal, the fantastic orchestra playing, and this fantastic union of hearts.

I suddenly noticed heads jolting to one specific direction... MY DIRECTION. I sat stunned looking at their faces as my mom, who was beside me, whispered, it's Tessa Prieto behind us. I then remembered that we sat near the room's entrance, and that anybody who might've come in late will surely receive a grand welcome. Well, perhaps, not as grand as Tessa Prieto's.

She wore a colorful haltered number, with its neck and backline cut extremely low, as to deliberately show her heavily sequined black brassiere. The headdress, of course, is quintessential to her, which seemed to have invoked a handful of peacocks and some of its feathered relatives.

Wow, i thought. Wow to the cognizance she might've received at every occassion she was in. The perks of having the guts and that sort of fashion sense. She came in a bit late, but garnered the highest number of attention, while I sat stupefied of how I was enrobed, claiming only the admiration of the floor who stunningly marvelled at my shoes.

It was a mixture of what kind of attention she got--- positive and negative. Of course, for those who knew her, they admired her; as for those who didn't, they thought of her as too scandalous and inappropriate.

I never knew her, but I casted my vote as an admiration ballot. I admired her for her boldness and for her sense of freedom. I admired her for breaking free from conformity and for ditching what was traditional. She was like that because that was who she really was. One may raise the question of appropriateness, but all I can do is just marvel at someone who can defy what was supposed to be and take responsibility for it.

As I thought about her, perhaps, I shouldn't be so timid about how I was dressed. I ought to show some genuine confidence, because I really am proud of how I looked, and it's just the trite that "gowns-and- that-kind-of-stuff-are-worn-in-weddings" thing that rubs off the confidence in me. I look elegant and comfortable, and that's what's important! Oh, and I have uber nice shoes hidden 'neath the tablecloth, too, I almost forgot.

At some point, I was able to free myself. Thanks to the Sea Princess.

The entire entourage was so, so, ... splendid! The girls were all in their Kate Torralba number with pink andbrown (more like, copper) as their motif. I'm so in love with their gowns! Well, gowns would really be an understatement, and so I label it, Kate's. :) I love their Kate's!

I wish Kate Torralba accidentally reads this, and adds me to the roster of her "admirers". Their Kate's were the types you can "re-wear" to other events without having this awful which-wedding-have-you-gone-to-recently look. It's totally a standout with those Kate bags to match! So totally perfect! I loved how Tita Au looked non-conforming in her Kate's,, defying the typical mother-of-the-bride-matronic-look. Lol. I hope I can get Kate to design for me one of these days. She sings, she writes, she's an influentially fashionable person... what else can't you do???

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