I'm Red with Fury


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The ads are in full force to promote it. I chance upon it twice or thrice within an hour's time of bonding with the boob-tube. "Red", it says, trapped inside the outline of what seemed to be a sim card. They have around three (or more, I'm not so sure) sets of campaign for this new mobile phone network, and I'm pretty sure they've spent a good deal of moolah for the teevee ads alone.

Half a peso for a minute's call is already something. But the promise of a better network coverage is definitely greater in this era of busy phone networks. I get skeptic, then cynic, but eventually adamant to try it, just so I can ditch my cynic conclusions that it's pretty much just like the rest.

I was still awed by the cheap voice promo, when my hopes soared high to find out that a sim card only costed thirty nine buckos. It was captioned so minute on the last slide of the ad, that I only realized it was there by the third time the commercial aired. Nevertheless, that was forgivable.

I was itching my way to the nearest mall to scout for a sim card, when I smartly opted to hook up with the forum to check on the others' take on the new sim on the block.

Ohhhhhh. I sarcastically ooohed to myself. "Three-g pala ha... ayos. Well since Nokia 6020 lang ito, buti pala't di ako naglagas ng trenta'y nwebe pesos!"

Sigh. Imagine my dismay when I learned about this. Imagine my fury when I looked at my outdated phone! Somebody throw me a used 3g phone, puhleaaze!

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