Archive for 2008

Mineral Make Up Weekend


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When: December 20 and 21, 2008 (10am-6pm)
Where: Greenmeadows Clubhouse
(inside Greenmeadows Xmas Rush Bazaar)

After the huge success of last year's Mineral Make-Up Weekend, we are bringing back the much-awaited event this week!

The Mineral Make-Up Weekend brings together different mineral makeup brands in one venue to celebrate mineral makeup and create more awareness about it. Six brands will be joining, and as a treat, FREE SAMPLES will be given away to all pre-registered visitors, as well as free makeovers and skin consultations.

Moreover, talks will be held by skin specialists, makeup artists, and
MMU brand owners as they showcase their strengths and advantages,
and show us how to create simple yet stunning day and night looks.

See more info HERE

Never Ask the Kids...


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Lemme share with you an email content that somehow made my day yesterday....

Science Exam Questions answered by Kids:

Q: Name the four seasons.
A: Salt, pepper, mustard and vinegar.

Q: Explain one of the processes by which water can be made safe to drink.
A: Flirtation makes water safe to drink because it removes large pollutants like grit, sand, dead sheep and canoeists.

Q: How is dew formed?
A: The sun shines down on the leaves and makes them perspire.

Q: How can you delay milk turning sour?
A: Keep it in the cow.

Q: What causes the tides in the oceans?
A: The tides are a fight between the Earth and the Moon. All water tends to flow towards the moon, because there is no water on the moon, and nature hates a vacuum. I forget where the sun joins in this fight.

Q: What happens to your body as you age?
A: When you get old, so do your bowels and you get intercontinental

Q: What happens to a boy when he reaches puberty?
A: He says good-bye to his boyhood and looks forward to his adultery. (The kid gets an A+ for this answer!)

Q: Name a major disease associated with cigarettes.
A: Premature death..

Q: How are the main parts of the body categorized? ( e.g., abdomen)
A: The body is consisted into three parts -- the brainium, the borax and the abdominal cavity. The brainium contains the brain; the borax contains the heart and lungs, and the abdominal cavity contains the five bowels A, E, I, O, and U.

Q: Give the meaning of the term 'Caesarian Section.'
A: The Caesarian Section is a district in Rome.

Q: What does the word 'benign' mean?'
A: Benign is what you will be after you be eight.

Black Christmas


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There are loads of reasons to love Christmas, and there are irritatingly many causes to dread it. Being the pessimist that I am, I would love to play Grinch with you this morning, and enumerate a few of the many possible grounds why we get to hate the Yule Season:

5. It's raining envelopes.

Whether it's an empty envelope or a paper-filled one, envelopes during this season often mean extortion. You'd always feel compelled to put moolah in it, whether it's from some weird-sounding org asking for donation, or from the garbage collecting team that seems to be extra hardworking this time of the year.

4.Several non-functioning and dysfunctional ATM's.

Reading what I wrote above already irks me. Anticipation is the key. Load 'em up you bank guys, and try to check your machines often. You just can't imagine how thankful and happy we'd all be if our world becomes a little less "offline."

3. and if they are indeed functional... you've got the LINE.
I hate long lines. Period. Don't you?

2. Jammed traffic.
Anybody who loves being stuck in traffic, raise your hands! I see a few, but hey, aren't these peeps cab drivers??? I kill you (in an achmed-ish accent)!

and the number ONE spot goes to...

1. Already broke and still spending.

I'm Red with Fury


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The ads are in full force to promote it. I chance upon it twice or thrice within an hour's time of bonding with the boob-tube. "Red", it says, trapped inside the outline of what seemed to be a sim card. They have around three (or more, I'm not so sure) sets of campaign for this new mobile phone network, and I'm pretty sure they've spent a good deal of moolah for the teevee ads alone.

Half a peso for a minute's call is already something. But the promise of a better network coverage is definitely greater in this era of busy phone networks. I get skeptic, then cynic, but eventually adamant to try it, just so I can ditch my cynic conclusions that it's pretty much just like the rest.

I was still awed by the cheap voice promo, when my hopes soared high to find out that a sim card only costed thirty nine buckos. It was captioned so minute on the last slide of the ad, that I only realized it was there by the third time the commercial aired. Nevertheless, that was forgivable.

I was itching my way to the nearest mall to scout for a sim card, when I smartly opted to hook up with the forum to check on the others' take on the new sim on the block.

Ohhhhhh. I sarcastically ooohed to myself. "Three-g pala ha... ayos. Well since Nokia 6020 lang ito, buti pala't di ako naglagas ng trenta'y nwebe pesos!"

Sigh. Imagine my dismay when I learned about this. Imagine my fury when I looked at my outdated phone! Somebody throw me a used 3g phone, puhleaaze!

My Latest Addiction


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I'm sleeping at 3am today courtesy of this son-of-a-caffeine forum I've been hooked with. It's the yuletide, and I'm broke as everyone else is, and so I scout for malls that are cooking up some yummy sale banners. Hitching the bandwagon of cyber benchmarking, I logged into a forum to check out possible christmas sale gimmicks. Loving how these forums work, I jotted down my planned trip (or trips?) to the mall this coming weekend to finish off my christmas list.

Just as I was about to log off, I remembered other things.

I'm a girl. Other things meant, tons of things. I started thinking of reading reviews from other girls on latest flicks. I wanted to read feedbacks on how the others thought of tonight's episode of Survivor Philippines. I wondered if there were new food crazes that the girls are raving about.

One interest lead to another, and before I digested that it was already past three in the morning, I've already skimmed through one-fourth of the entire forum. Oh yes, I started surfing at nine pm.

There are good things, there are bad things. Nothing is purely good. Atleast with forums. It's a good thing to know how convenient it is to get first-hand reviews on gadgets, flicks, clothes, beauty prods, food, well basically, everything, through these helpful forums. But boy, the costs of being hooked to it are ugly. I may even consider it a vice since I've been sleeping at an ugly pattern these days.

Oh well, I can't wait for the sale this weekend.

Save Thy Rotting Clothes


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Malls are melting pots of a woman's compulsion to score for what she feels she needs (and denies the fact that it falls under the "wants" category). These places serve as homes to transient evil witches of every girl's wardrobe, chanting, "fill 'er up, fill 'er up!".

I frankly don't know how many evil-witches-of-the-wardrobe i actually have, but they've been working their asses off for the past few years based on the large number of unworn clothes in my closet.

I'd be happy to have these witches, if only I were the type that knew which pieces to splurge on. Thing is, im such a loser scoring clothes that I end up not wearing them at all!

I stare at the stack of tops and bottoms. I could see imaginary worms trying to bear holes on them. Mildew sits on every sleeve and hem. Molds start to form despite the fact that these are inorganic stuff.

Suddenly, an epiphany...

Everything out in the market are going sky-high already. Goods and services. Why would I want to waste my hard-earned money (well, my parents' hard earned-money) by not maximizing these things I've splurged on? I rummage through the stack (without the worms, molds and mildew now) and started to sort them out.

Going through my other "active" clothes, I picked out which "rotting" piece would still be "wearable" for a possible mix-and-match. I ended up with two piles, my "Rescued Stuff" to my right side, "Ebay stuff" on the other.

rescued satin top

rescued long-sleeved shirt

I start to tell the witches... "I win guys, you lose."

Nothing goes to waste now. Either I mix and match them with my current stuff, or I make money out of them. Haha.

The witches quietly retorted, "Money which you can again spend on one of those melting pots. Eeeeeeh, Eeeeeeh, Eeeeh, Eeeeeeh, Eeeeh!"


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