Monolid Solutions: Vivigo Hyper Nudy Brown Circle Lenses


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I'm always on the lookout for stuff that can widen my small eyes+monolids.  Say, circle lenses, eyeliners, and eyelid tapes.

Vivigo's Hyper Nudy Brown Circle Lenses didn't fail me. 

These were so easy to put on vs Freshlook Dailies.  But there was a minute's discomfort when I wore it.

Vivigo Hyper Nudy brown circle lens on my eye to your left.  Eye to your right has none.  
BIG difference, eh? 

My own DIY eyelid tapes+Vivigo Circle Lenses

Yay, big, dolly eyes for me c/o circle lenses; boo for the obvious syringoma though

My eyes got really big.  If you've read my past EOTD posts, you'll notice how unpleasant my monolids are.  That's the reason why I'm always pushing myself to use eyelid tapes.

It is a whopping 15.5mm diameter so I know it'll emphasize my peepers a lot.  I'm used to freshlook dailies' 13.8mm diameter, and so I thought that I looked too unnatural with hypersized circle lenses.  I don't know, maybe I'm not used to it.

And oh, you'll surely love their cute pink packaging.  Most girls are suckers for cute pink stuff.

Sad ending:

Boyfie was a bit taken aback (in a bad way) when he saw me (and I knew he was lying about liking it).  Maybe I looked too unnatural with it.  Sigh.  It's a shame, coz I haven't touched these circle lenses since that day.


  1. ting
  2. Anonymous
  3. Anonymous
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