Dear Perfect Refining Foundation, I've Never Given Any Foundation This Much Chance


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I've had the Shiseido Perfect Refining Foundation for almost half a year now and during these times, it's mostly just sitting on my dresser. Not that it's a horrible product (I actually like how it performs and find myself wanting to use it on most days), but it has consistently aggravated pustules every time I use it.

I know it's a serious problem and that I should just get rid of the black bottle, but the advantages I get from it outweigh its most unnerving flaw. I seriously don't understand why Shiseido foundations are acting funny on my skin (even the Perfect Smoothing foundation, which I loved to bits until the day it broke me out). 

• Enjoy Paris' review of the foundation
• Miss Glitzy's compares it to Clarins Skin Illusion
• See why Claire thinks it's at par with NARS Sheer Glow 

I give you an ultimatum my dear Shiseido Perfect Refining foundation. Today, I have an almost clear skin and if you mess with that one pimple persisting on my cheek, I have no other choice but to let you go.


  1. Anonymous
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