The 1-Minute Hair Twist Using Goody Spin Pins


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I use Goody's Mini Spin Pins to secure my no fuss half bun. Ever since I got these innovative hair screws, I retired my collection of good old hair clamps which makes securing the twisted hair style very obvious. Goody's spin pins are almost invisible it wows my girl friends I can pull my hair up in a bun like magic!

If you think I spend so much time with the bun and pins, I don't. After several practices, I am now able to come up with a no-brainer, one minute do. Here's how I twist, spin and pin:
  1. I pull my hair in a half pony, twist it counter-clockwise into a tight bun.
  2. The spin pins mini come in sets of three. I use the first pin to secure the middlemost part of the bun.
  3. The second and third pins go to the left and right lower areas of the bun respectively. This further secures the hair style so that it doesn't fall apart.
Voila, I'm set to go! 

What makes it an easy task is that I don't have to be mindful of hair strays and a loose bun throughout the twist, spin and pin steps. It comes out sexy and effortless with the imperfections. I definitely feel that my 1-minute Goody mini spin pin half bun is worthy of becoming my perennial hair style!


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