Relumins Advance White Oral Whitening Review


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Years back, I have sworn to never get my hands on ANY oral glutathione ever again because of the unnecessary weight gain I experience when taking them. Last May, after years of gluta-drought, I finally braved opening a bottle of one of the newest glutathiones in the market, the Relumins Advance White oral whitening formula.

Label says:

Relumins L-Glutathione complex is the most advanced oral Glutathione and placenta formula available. It is the most effective oral skin whitener available and has numerous other health benefits.

Also, the product enumerates a roster of consumer-luring benefits---all of which had me at hello:

  • 400mg L-Glutathione for maximum skin whitening
  • Proven safe and effective in numerous clinical studies
  • L-Glutathione boosters: (1) 100mg of Alpha Lipoic Acid which has been shown to naturally support high levels of Glutathione in the Body; and (2) 100mg of Vitamin C which has been shown to restore intracellular glutathione
  • 200mg of Placental Protein (PP) extract:
    a) PP enhances skin's elasticity and moisture and stimulates cell renewal to revitalize the skin. It also visibly reduces and fights the unsightly signs of skin aging such as wrinkles and fine lines.
    b) PP is a highly-recognized cosmetics ingredient due to its exemplary skin-whitening property that actively influences the activity of tyrosinase, a component of melanin. In fact, it is the most popular and widely used skin whitening agent in Japan.

Relumins Advance White oral glutathione comes in a royal blue plastic bottle which houses 60 yellow-colored capsules. Unlike the other gluta tablets/capsules I've tried, these ones are particularly huge; for the beauty lazies out there, these caps are definitely not easy to swallow.

Upon opening the bottle, I chuckled a bit at the fact it smells very turmeric. I thought the bottle may not be what it's worth. However, I reminded myself I'm taking in vegetarian capsules, thus the turmeric-y colour, feel and scent of each capsule.

Two weeks after, I was truly in for a big surprise. The product is a whitening bomb and I felt bad about the hasty judgement I imposed. Relumins Advance White gave me pinong white skin (ph338 and tathion307 never resulted to this kind of whitening) plus the usual glow akin to glutathione intake. And the most celebrated part of the experience? I wasn't gaining the unneeded pounds down to the last capsule!

Price: P1800/ 60-caps bottle
Where to buy: Flawless Beauty and Skin
Dosage: 2x/day
Taken in conjunction with: Kirkland chewable Vit C 500mg
Helpful Hints: 
- do not reduce dosage. I tried once a day dosage and the effects weren't as remarkable
- it didn't break me out (consumed one bottle)
- skin darkens after several weeks of non-use after consuming a bottle
- recommendation: don't stop after one bottle if you plan to try it out

Out of the 60 caps, I remember two horrific episodes where I couldn't breathe well after taking it. The difficulty in breathing lasted around 10mins. I don't know if the product caused it but the two very similar experiences happened after taking in Relumins oral gluta caps.

In conclusion, I am completely pleased that I got an awesome reward for braving glutathiones again. It is good I gave Relumins Advance White a try because from it, I suddenly realized how oral glutathiones can really make a huge difference for the skin (and for the self-esteem!). I've tried a couple of other brands and have been satisfied with the results but this gluta neophyte is truly impressive since it made my skin noticeably whiter and tempered my strong yellow undertone.


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