As narrated in my best oil-control products post, oily-skinned girly like me are sooooo prone to acne. And we hate it a lot! We're in an endless search for the best zit-zapping cream that can give us a big hug and tell us that the humongous pimple sitting on our cheeks will be gone by the morrow.
TCA Peels and steroid injections are my last hopes when all else fails (because they are quite expensive). Here are my before pics (the costs of sleeping soooo late! Lack of sleep+hormonal imbalance+being lazy for skin care routine are the culprits, I can tell) :

A closer view of what women's chins must never be: yes, there are pimples, and see how ugly and rough my skin is?
I never liked steroid injections simply because they're all about needles. And I'm just not a fan. But I needed those trapped pus out of my chin, and so I had to face my fear and give in to that sort of acne treatment. Gosh, of all the places, I had to get the needle right along my T-zone area! Great.
I received a 30% (or was it 40?) TCA for the entire face. I didn't take ibuprofens or anything beforehand, and so I took the burning sensation of the procedure like a man, erm, a woman. Boy, it really stung my face! To think that a cooling fan was already hovering at my face, it still felt like my face was against the gas stove.
45 minutes after, I got up with a harrassed look on my pimpled face. The TCA Peel and Steroid tandem did a good job in freaking me out, but I know they'll be giving me the results that I want. Cliche-ish, but... no pain, no gain.
3 days post-treatment:
Welcome to the jungle!: A not-so-resolved chin area where peeling adds up to the jungle theme
5 days post-treatment:
Minimal peeling, I'm itching to force em out, but that's a no-no! Can anybody see a difference now?
I should've taken a shot of my chin the following day after visiting my derma. I know most of you already know how steroid injections work like magic, but I should've archived a proof of its wonder! Anyway, the above shots were take 5 days after my derma trip, and I have to admit I'm happy. I do mind how obvious the peeling was on day 3 (and that people stare at you like you're some walking... well, peel girl. haha, i can't think of anything else to say!), but seeing a whole new "baby" skin relieved me. Plus the pimples shrank significantly and are already drying up!
Boyfie had his fair share of the experience, minus the steroids... he's got less complicated zits (If ever you're reading this... I'm sorry!):
Acne and Pimple Treatment Review on:
TCA Peel:
- Painful Procedure? Yes, but tolerable.
- Length of Treatment: ~15mins
- Downtime: depending on TCA strength (x%), peeling may take up to 10 days max; I normally have 5 days down-time at 30%.
- Cost: 1,000 to 3,000php/session (it's a thousand bucks with my doc, buti'm paying 50% off...yipee)
- What you'll fall in love with: takes old skin out and a rosy, smooth skin in place of it; pimple-busting/drying; skin looks thinner (in a positive way)
Steroid Injection:
- Painful Procedure? Terribly painful! (Hindi siya kagat ng langgam!! Grrrr!)
- Length of Treatment: a few secs
- Downtime: None
- Cost: 500-800 per shot
- What you'll fall in love with: instantaneous effect on acne/pimple
I love my dermatologist to bits because she makes the cost part of my review inkling to the positive side! These above prices are the usual ranges you'll be quoted when you derma-hop around the metro. I'm a lucky gal to have found a good doctor who is passionate about her craft, and who is already rich enough to even think about dermatology as a business!
Have you tried TCA Peels and the dreadful steroid shot? Or do you prefer other acne and pimple treatment? Tell me about them and I'll try them out, too!
My MD, a fellow Thomasian: Sixta Foronda , M.D.
Made a POST on how my entire face looks like 4 hours after threatment!
Made a POST on how my entire face looks like 4 hours after threatment!
This is such a helpful post! Thank you!!!:)
I prefer chemical peels than diamond peels because of the instant and more lasting effect of having beutiful new skin..DP only makes my skin look fresh and smooth for 1 day's not the burning sensation I hate about it but the peeling usually takes me 2 weeks before every peeling skin is gone haha..congrats on having a good result from the treatments ^_^
i'd love the say the pain is worth it because you can see the huge difference? I am so proud of you for going through all that and for sharing!
Hi girl, you've got an award on my blog, please check it out ^_^
Hello! I chanced upon this blog while looking for info tca peel. Because of you I'm planning to go to dra. foronda. I hope she does a good job on me as well. How much is her PF? Thank you. :)
Hi Heizel,
I believe doc's PF is at 500php. I'm not so sure coz it always entirely depends on what happens on your first meeting. i remember not paying any PF at all, and instead i paid for the treatment na lang and the meds. :)
Hi sis! how many session ka nag pa-TCA PEEL? do you nakakwala ba sya ng pimple marks?
sis espanyola, yup it can eliminate light pimple marks in one session in my case. i haven't followed up with my TCA treatment primarily because of work..and then Ondoy. But i'll definitely be back for more TCA's!
Great pictures of the TCA peel. Shows how it clearly did make a huge improvement.
skin peels
havent tried TCA Peel bec of longer downtime, but the results looks great on you... thanks for sharing i might consider it one of this days ^^
I bet this treatment is expensive.
Nice! this one works effectively on you, cheers for that.
I've got another treatment which is suitable for all skin types and I'm sure this will rid off those acne.
Hi, I did it too, I started with the Lunch peel and then moved on to the Gorgeous peel. I buy them both from IM-FABULOUS.COM and I only had a great experience.
I had some sun damage, fine lines and acne scarring. I really like the Gorgeous peel! I had no downtime, i peel nicely and the result were great. I think I pay $59 for a bottle and I can do about 80 face peel with one bottle. So I bought it with two of my girlfriend, it cost us $19 each and we did it together!
I have lots of acne and extremely dry skin.I want something that will prevent pimples all together, minimize acne scarring & keep my skin from getting dry and flaky.Thanks.
I have had mild acne for a few years now, I am currently 17...almost 18, and in the past 6 months or so it has gotten very bad.hormonal acne treatment. I clean my face every morning and night with soap and have used products such as Proactive and Clearasil but nothing had gotten rid of it. Any suggestions on something that might help me out?
I have oily skin & acne scars. What's the difference between liquid foundation & mousse and which one would be better for my skin and cover my scars? acne scar removal treatment
My skin is super sensitive and something like benzyl peroxide just doesn't work for me. Any suggestions on a mild effective acne treatment? environ skincare treatment
I know that there are so many products out their for acne treatment lotions, natural treatment, books. But really I am trying to find the best. I don't want to go out their and start spending money buy products that don't work. People I will appreciate your input on this.Thanks... pimple in ear
Acne can one of the most stubborn of all skin conditions to deal with. Acne can be the result of bacterial infections and genetic issues which make it very hard to treat. While some acne breakouts can involve clogged pores on the surface of the skin, there will be instances where the clogs are deep within the skin.