Meet and Greet Marie Digby: The Make Up For Ever Event


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Marie Digby is Make Up For Ever Philippines' brand ambassador. It was a 'Makeup and Marie' night last Thursday at the Bonifacio High Street when Marie herself graced the event and was such a sweet sport to cater to our endless questions.

The Meet Part. Before wowing everyone with her gorgeous look that evening, the event's guests helped themselves with checking out MUFE's great makeup line, Marie's album, and tons of chikka and kakulitan.

And then came Marie. Cameras clicked like crazy and I'm too vertically-challenged to get a good shot of her at the back of the gushing crowd. But a little arabesque-ing just scored me a couple of shots:

From beauty, skincare, lovelife, childhood and youtube makeup gurus, she fascinated everyone that evening with her spontaneous.

Q: What's your fave MUFE makeup?
The Make Up For Ever Face and Body Foundation!
Q: What one makeup can't you live without?
Lipstick! A swipe of this makeup can make a huge difference for the face.


Q: Fave youtube makeup gurus?
Michelle Phan and Lauren Luke.
Q: Are you seeing someone?
Nope. Do you have one for me?
Q: When's the best age to put on makeup?
I advise young girls to work on their character first before making a big deal out of their physical attributes. Inner beauty is far more powerful. When you grow a little bit older, that's when you can spend more time prettifying yourself.
Q: Did you get your very fair skin from your Japanese mom?
Nope. Got it from my dad. My mom's really brown/golden.
Q: What do you miss most about Japan?
Their attention to detail and the people's pride in their work. If you see someone cleaning the streets as his job, there's a great chance he is very happy about what he's doing.
Q: Any whitening tips for the Filipinas who want to get your kind of fair skin?
I love Filipina skin! Why do you need to whiten your skin? Among my siblings, I'm the palest. I've envied their golden color for the longest time and so I always tried to get a good tan. But it was always unsuccessful because I ended up with patches of bronzed skin that looked weird. A few more failed tanning made me realize that I just have to love my skin. It probably is the best color for me since God designed me this way.

And Marie Digby adds she loves Make Up For Ever's Eyebrow Corrector. It's among the brand's bestseller and it's actually working well for her, too!


The Greet Part. Sangkatutak na photo-op.

Marie Digby came in a beige chiffon  shift dress with stunning silver accents on the neckline. I loved how her nails beautifully matched her lips and curls. It was just so dainty.

Thank you Ms. Grace Ambrocio, Marketing Executive of BOCC, for the Make Up For Ever Meet and Greet Marie Digby invite! :)


  1. Anonymous
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