It was a let-down that the Missha Adoption entries trickled in (adoption candidacies totalled 4). I also felt bad for the poor Missha Watery BB cream coz it seemed like nobody wanted her (and I'm even giving her away after Babyjap passed her on to me!)

I hope this baby will be loved by our winner. It'll really make me smile to know that this BB cream has finally found a home.
congratz on the winner. Uh oh I plan to join this giveaway but with all the busy moments in Christmas holidays I forgot waaa, my bad ^_^
I'd like to ask you girl if you can recommend any other BB Cream with SPF that's good for oily skin.
I lie low on L'egere for now coz I break out :)
i didn't know
i've been looking for the missha watery bb cream before..(that is, before i got scared of BB Creams..hehe).
im pretty sure that kikayfetz will give her a nice home
I didn't break out with Dr. Jart and Skinfood Aloe. Ive got combination skin (more of oily) and these two SPFed prods work just fine.
It's sad you broke out with L'egere coz that's pretty expensive.
Have you tried TFS BB's? I think they're good. Plus, they're locally available.
Thiamere, thanks girl! so which bb broke you out? :D
aw.. i didnt know about this giveaway! congrats to the winner though! =)
Congratulations on the winner!
I planned on joining this but I got scared of trying another Missha BB cream hehe I broke out with them kasi..don't worry sis..I'm sure the winner will give it a good home ^_^
wow! i finally won in a blog contest! thanks so much! :D will email you my address in a few seconds hehehe