Beauty Fix: Manual Dermaroller


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My very own dermatologist is my dermaroller! Yep, she does my dermaroller-ish treatment manually as she deems it more suited for my acne scars.

Dermarolling treatment promises a lot of beauty benefits such as finer pores, deep scar treatment, improved skin elasticity and diminished fine lines. You pay for a dermaroller kit (dermaroller plus the topical anesthesia) and you're off to around 5 to 6 sessions (depending on the gravity of your scars) of skin puncturing.

Dermaroller pics, choose your variant!
Outer two rollers offer a bigger area of dermarolling
Middle roller is a three-liner variant

Price range: 14,000PHP-40,000PHP (kit plus doctor's fee)

My procedure mimics dermarolling, but is a whole lot more tedious. Collagen induction or subcision is the hard (and meticulous) way of getting dermarolling's benefits. Thank God for such a passionate and honest dermatologist, she offered this taxing treatment (on her part) despite the fact that she can just mow my face with that dermaroller! She has this needle that she pushes onto my severely diffused acne pits. This technique allows scarring and eventually, deposition of collagen fibers above the scars.

Three hours post-subcision/collagen induction
Look at those huge pores!!!

Costs me: 1,oooPHP (suki price. LOL) along with glycolic and DP treatment

One week and 2 days after: still with scarring
Do not force the scab to get off your skin; don't even help them get loose

It took me a week and five days before I went back in action. I don't know but my scars take up so much time to heal. Some of those who undergo similar treatment take a week (or even less) for complete healing.

I noticed significant results when my scars healed completely. I had less obvious pores and the pits were more shallow this time! These pics were taken January 2009... my second session for subcision. The first treatment was last September 2008, where I noticed impressive results as well.

I hope I could afford fraxel (my derma tells me that this is the best option for me). But she doesn't offer this treatment just yet (imagine that! she was honest enough to recommend a treatment she has yet to offer) and besides, fraxel is waaay too expensive and I don't have the money for it (if I had the money, I'd go for it).

My MD, a fellow Thomasian: Sixta Foronda , M.D.
6F Aesthetic and Anti-Ageing Center
14/F Medical Plaza, Amorsolo St., Makati City

Treatments I avail from her: DP, Glycolic treatment, collagen induction, TCA, steroid injection for major zits

Royally yours, Bleak


  1. Anonymous
  2. Heizel
  3. Anonymous
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