Review: Aromaleigh's URFP


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I never liked setting my foundie with a powder because it just ruins the entire look. Give me a handful of time, say 10 minutes, and I'd look like a soiled gal with a dirty face. Ulk. A royal turn-off, I must say.

But then came Aromaleigh's Ultra Resolution Finishing Powder (URFP). This is a setting/finishing powder made of I bought their translucent variant online and I have to say that I'm very, VERY, very, VEry impressed. I use my EDM FT brush for this to achieve that airbrushed look!

Aromaleigh URFP translucent, FULL-SIZE, 0.5 oz net vol
Ingredients: silica, mica and i
ron oxides
Amount: $13.75 (~ 670+PHP)+ $5 int'l shipping+ 35PHP customs tax (QCPO)

The Edge:
  • totally masked my big pores giving me that soft focus
  • eliminated that "dirty" look due to my oily T-zone
  • kept me looking fresh throughout the day
  • re-application needed only after several hours (it takes 6 hours for me to retouch)
  • my sensitive skin didn't break out
  • it made me look FLAWLESS!
  • a teeny weeny amount is needed and Aromlaeigh's URFP full-size can go a looooong way (I say six months, daily application)
  • ingredients are skin friendly, promising reduction of fine lines and imperfections.

  • not available locally
  • the sifter jar makes it so easy to allow some powder to spill (what I did was I transferred some of the contents to another sifter jar so that I don't waste the precious URFP)

Look at how it perfectly fits my palm! Will certainly fit your purse, too!

ROYAL RATING: Spend-worthy? Absolutely! We're giving it: PERFECT!

I'm waiting for the peaches and cream variant I ordered a few weeks ago. Most gals claim that this surpasses the Aromaleigh URFP translucent. I can't imagine that there can still be something better than this! Good job, Aromaleigh!

What's your setting powder? Or are you like me that gets freaked out with how powders make the skin look weird?

Royally yours, Bleak


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