Take a Step Into The Austin Powers Room


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I had to argue hard with boyfie on letting me attend my dear friend's Bachelorette Party. He was totally against the idea of me having to drive into a motel--- the party's venue.

I actually went "Whut the..." when I learned of the event's venue. But since there was nothing much I can do about it, and I won't miss this event for anything, I found a way not to have problems asking for permission to attend the event (yep, I'm almost 30 years old but I have to wait for 'go signals' from mom and dad for evening parties). I never told my mom where the party's gonna be, and so she was good to let me go to my childhood friend's bridal shower.

Now with boyfie's case, he was a tougher one to ask permission from. I dropped him a few details, tried to lie a bit, but I was such a bad liar.

He was so upset that I still managed to go despite his being against it.

And these were the motel's "scenic spots" (LOL) I would've missed if I hadn't been a stubborn pig:

It was a bright, fun room! And I actually thought motels were devoid of light!!!

LOL at the cage. My girlfriends danced like crazy in there!

A cozy cushion we slumped into after tiring ourselves from the games!

A disco ball inside the bathroom?

My lovelies: Ara and Tin. Tin (the one seated) is my beloved childhood friend--- we were busmates and schoolmates from Kindergarten up till high school! I'm happy kinda sad about her wedding...


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