Pretty Model Slimming Capsules Review Part 1


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It's been a little over a month since I've been taking Pretty Model Slimming Capsules. I initially planned to write a review after the 3rd month, but I feel that I'm already seeing plausible (and non-pleasing ones) results that I decided to share my thoughts on this product.

Pretty Model Slimming Capsules, 450mg each pill, taken 2x/day

Buy Authentic Pretty Model
Slimming Capsules HERE

These pills are designed for weight loss, skin whitening, and reduction of unsightly fats in the arms, legs, abs and buttocks. Only a week after taking these pills, I was already astounded at what the bathroom scale reading gave me! These dirt-cheap pills are surprisingly effective.

Product Info:
Pretty Model Slimming Capsules' main components are: glossy ganoderma, Chinese watermelon peel, ginseng, lotus leaf, aweto and chitosan

Product claims that it...
  • Improves skin quality and diminishes acne
  • Reduces fat accumulation at waist, abdomen, arm and thigh
  • Does not result to diarrhea, anorexia, and rebound side-effects
  • Is suited for those who repeatedly fail in fat reduction
  • Eliminates toxin accumulation, preventing fecal impaction (coprostasis) 
  • Is suited for those who want to reduce fat 13 kilograms in a month 
  • Provides physical sculpting in common problem areas. It softens the waist, flattens abs, firms up butt, slenders arms, thighs and calves

Pretty model slimming capsules are appetite suppressants to be taken twice a day, 30 minutes after breakfast and lunch/dinner. Each capsule contains 450mg of potent slimming ingredients.

This weight loss supplement is PROHIBITED to children, pregnant women, and those suffering from serious health conditions (the pamphlet did not categorize 'serious').

I lost 7lbs after a week. It effectively worked as an appetite suppressant since my usual strong food cravings significantly nosedived to zero. Perhaps too effective that I was only eating ONE decent meal a day during that week! In trying to address this, I reduced dosage to 1x a day, 30mins after lunch and got 'healthier' results.

Pretty Model Slimming Capsules are sold in boxes containing 2 pouches, containing 1 blister pack each

Pretty Model Slimming pills gave me this frequent dry, metallic taste in my mouth. This could be the reason why it suddenly became a challenge for me to want to gobble up anything.

Taking into account this weight loss supplement's claims, the only thing I can vouch for is its ability to rapidly let you lose WEIGHT (not necessarily fat). It was also good that I drank ample amounts of water during the day (due to the the dry, metallic taste side effect) because I used to not meet the 8-glasses-of-water-a-day rule.

Other Side Effects
Apart from dry mouth and the lingering metallic taste, I also experienced:
  • moderate headaches that lasted minutes (days 1-4)
  • extreme mood swings (days 2-7)
  • lightheadedness (days 1-4)
Other users of the pretty model slimming capsule have also reported breast pain, difficulty in breathing and sleep problems. Some attribute the difficulty in breathing to chitosan, one of the main ingredients. The BF, who's extremely allergic to seafoods, takes these pills too but never reported any allergic reactions.

Pretty Model Slimming Pills are available through local resellers in, and Price ranges from P180-450/box. These are sold in sets of 20 capsules per box. 

Pretty Model Slimming Pills ranges from P180 to P450 per 20 caps
10 capsules per blister pack

There've been rumors that there are circulating boxes that are fakes. Fake ones are said to not have the holographic marking on the box. Also, make sure that your box contains: (1) a pamphlet (in Chinese and English), (2) 2 plastic pouches containing blister pack each, and (3) 20 pearl-like capsules.

Authentic Pretty Model Slimming Capsules box
Surface when struck by light + box has a textured feel

Part 2
To prevent this review in becoming such a drag (look how lengthy it's become! *rolls eyes*), I'll be writing about this weight loss supplement at another time. There's still a lot you should know about.

I'm such a bad writer for being unable to write concisely. And since I can hardly address that problem (reviewing in an epic way), allow me to section this fitness review, so please stay tuned for the installment on Pretty Model Slimming Capsules! :)


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