Johnson's Baby Milk Bath Event with Judy Ann Santos


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Last July 27 at the EDSA Shangri-la Hotel, I was able to attend the Johnson's Milk Bath event that featured the brand's newest endorser, actress, Judy Ann Santos (FYI international readers, she is an accomplished actress in the Philippines). She graced the event undaunted by the heavy rains and managed to educate us on skincare and even spontaneously entertained everyone with her charming antics.

We laughed with her as she shared her experiences as a mom and wife.

Serious topic: Mommyhood!

We laughed harder during the open forum where people can ask her anything under the sun! She's so bubbly! There was never a dull moment with her around during the event.

Major media networks covered the event.

Judy Ann Santos' colleague in the showbiz industry, Angel Jacob, hosted the event. Would you be surprised to know that she already has a 17-year old? Ahhh, I saw your jaw drop for a bit!

Angel Jacob in a silky, white number

Juday is so down-to-earth. Someone ran after her when she was already cued to exit the stage. Instead of snobbing the girl, who in between breaths managed to catch up and handed her a "gift", she paused to receive the token, talked to her a bit and thanked the young lady (the organizers and bouncers were panicked, I tell you).

So accommodating to those who want to see her!

Different representatives from showbiz-oriented shows flanked her after the talk.

Judy Ann Santos, darling of the press

Juday is an unassuming charmer

Judy Ann's bodyguards tried to clear the area after the reporters were done with their respective interviews. Ang sungit nung isang bodyguard big time sa mga bloggers! If not for Judy Ann herself and her kind PA (i think) who broke the rules and accommodated more chit-chats and photo ops, I would not have gone home with her autograph on my brother's wedding picture (the brother and my sis-in-law are HUGE fans!).

I was planning to bring their bigger portrait kaso nakakahiya
I brought home a lot of newly learned skincare tips and future lessons on mommyhood that I'll be sharing with you soon. And I'm definitely keeping that marker "sacred" since Judy Ann Santos, big star yet super humble, was able to touch that very pen.


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