FOTD Fun at Jane Iredale Minerals Event in Makati


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Thanks to my awesome sense of direction, I totally got lost looking for the venue (which was at True Scents and Minerals, Makati) and was laaaate for the event. I missed most parts of it but got just in time for this:

group photo!!!

Despite coming in late, I still went home with tons of pictures:

Krissy's before and after shots



It was too bad I didn't get these girls' before shot and so I ended up admiring their post-Iredale faces:

Golden goddess Nikki

Reluctant Stylista herself, Alex, and her creamy, flawless face

And Iambrigitte's, Jheng

What else did everyone do that night?

Ms. Tess Chua, resident MUA for Jane Iredale Makati, prettifying Jheng
Shen thinking that this is the volume of makeup I want on my dresser
and me taking their photo :)

Busy bee Krissy and me in our coordinated numbers before trying out the makeup

Here's Krissy after the Jane Iredale experience
my camera LOVES her skin! clockwise: (1) magic mitt used as makeup remover
(2) Jane Iredale Dream Tint in Medium evened out on her face using a foundie brush
(3) & (4) her wonderful second skin+smokey eyes+peachy pink lips

We chatted about losing our phones from the metro's olympic runner snatchers

Lexi P getting snapshots of Kira and Liz as they swatched more makeup at
the counter (i kept ooh-ing and aaah-ing at Kira's flawless face!)

Nikki is just effortlessly pretty in minerals!

Kira after getting made up; Liz, sadly, had to leave early and wasn't able to
get a makeover

Kira inspects the Jane Iredale counter further after the makeover

My face after evening out the tinted moisturizer, Dream Tint in Medium

Jane Iredale Minerals is definitely for those who want second skin makeup. If you're gaga over minerals, Jane Iredale is definitely worth saving up for. I'm letting the photos above speak for the brand. 

Jane Iredale Philippines Makati Showroom
Evekal Building
Arnaiz St., Makati City


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