Why You Shouldn't Dress Up As An Angry Bird This Halloween




Now that Halloween's coming, I'm smelling bird and pig outfits cooking. Malamang yan. The Angry Birds is utterly pop, it's printed on anything and everything printable!

Here are a list of reasons, in photos, why you should de-AngryBird-ize your system halloween while making it a bit more fun, bird-free and chaotic:

get freaky contacts and dress up as a bloody, freaky nurse

costume shops will have something cool and crazy for you

octomom and the kids

create paper mache heads of controversial personalities

got kids? dress em up delicioso in either lobster or spaghetti costumes

sanitary pad. hmmm, fine, be an angry bird!

easypeasy sesame street costumes

version 2 of the above

become Ronald's nemesis

you can't walk around in these though

Seen something that inspired you? I hope so. 

I think Angry Birds are cute and it's inevitable that Halloween 2011 will have these cute creatures around. But let's minimize their presence, mmmkay?  You can definitely be more creative, fun and cuhrayzeee!


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