Psalmstre Placenta Soap Review


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Psalmstre's Placenta Soap with goat's milk may not be an ideal bath staple, but it tops my list of best whitening soaps. If it were less too drying, it will definitely be something I'd strongly recommend to those who want a fairer complexion in no time.

What I love about it:
  • comes in a trial size (affordable at 30php)
  • comes in 3 sizes to suit your budget (the largest & most expensive one being the most cost-efficient)
  • in my case, (+) noticeable whitening within 3 days
  • capable of exfoliating the skin
  • no strong scent

Psalmstre Placenta Soap w/ goat's milk, 90g, ~58php
also comes in 30+php and 80+php sizes

  • utterly drying; a highly moisturizing lotion is a must
  • may cause skin rashes (which I detest, hence, my recommending the soap to those who want to whiten the skin always comes with an emphasized precaution)

Pslamstre's Placenta Soap comes in 2 variants, the white one (with goat's milk) and the orange one. I find the white variant more effective in terms of whitening. 

Some Helpful Hints:

1. for a faster skin whitening result, allow the soap's lather to stay on the skin for at least 5mins (oo, karirin ang pagbabad sa katawan) , use 2x daily

2. although the soap has an exfoliating effect, it won't hurt to use your favorite body scrub to hasten  its  whitening effects (try Asian Secrets Lulur or Abonne Spa Milk)

3. use a towelette when rinsing to remove the dead skin cells exfoliated by the soap (towelette is usually needed on the 3rd-4th day of use)

4. once you have achieved a significantly fairer complexion, decrease frequency of use to make sure that the skin does not experience chronic drying (every other day and make sure that the soap's lather just stays on your skin 3mins tops)

It's an irony that the brand claims to be an anti-aging soap. With the extremely drying effect on the skin, Psalmstre's Placenta Soap with goat's milk may just be the perfect tool to make the skin look old if you do not take note of Helpful Hint #3! This could've been a holy grail whitening soap if it kept the skin well-moisturized.


  1. Anonymous
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  9. Chulet
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  13. muziklover03
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