Archive for January 2010

Introducing: the Bleak Angled Brow Brush


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I was about to throw out my Fashion 21 Eyeshadow Brush when my brain suddenly switched to its creative mode.  Why not turn this unused tool into something useful?

And so with a pair of scissors, I chopped off some hair until I got the 'look' I wanted.

BEFORE - Fashion21 Eyeshadow Brush, 60php

AFTER - herroyalbleakness' angled brow brush!

A closer view of the hair and ferrule

What I love about it is that it isn't too thin like an angled liner brush!  Think of something in between a liner brush and a shadow brush--- that's the bleak angled brow brush!  The lines I create with it when filling-in sparse areas of my brows are very, very natural and flattering (vs. angled liners).

So how'd I revamp a relatively denser eyeshadow brush into a bleak angled brow brush?

I had to cut off half of the hair sagitally, like so:

Looks ugly, but this is what makes it so pretty as a brow brush!

Not too thin, not too thick--- purrrrfect!

I'm now using this Fashion 21 eyeshadow brush with my In2it brow kit (remember how I disliked the small brush that comes with it?).  It works perfect in picking up the ample amount of pigment that I need for my brows!

Yep, even brushes can go through a makeover.  I can't believe myself for almost throwing this one out!

Pinay Online Shoppers Alert!


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Went to QC P.O. today to claim my packages.  

The good news is that I got my packages.

The bad news?  

The PO head who strutted after the guy who scoured for my packages told me that today must be a lucky day for me.  Well yeah, I thought, because ima get myself some goodies.  And then she commanded  (commanded.  think military.) the guy to inspect what's inside.

I've nothing against inspections.  It's just that this was the first time they've ever opened a cosmetics package from me.  And so I thought something wasn't right.

Boy, was I so right.  

She told me I'm so lucky coz she'll let me off the hook this time. Packages like these, she said, aren't allowed to be turned over to addressees without proper clearance from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  I nodded like an elementary school kid.

I asked her for the process on how to go about clearing my future loots from the FDA.  She gave me a bunch of jargons, and an explanation that merited a "WTF are you saying?" remark.  The only thing that seeped through my brain was that the clearance thing was to protect us buyers from bad chemicals and poison that these cosmetics might contain.  Geeesh.

And so I smiled politely and thanked her for the generous act of letting me keep my stuff.  Thank you for letting me keep what's mine and thank you for the humble tax you so generously impose on my purchases.

"And who's '(says my name)'?"  I was startled by her commanding voice.  "Uhm, ako po (Uhm, that's me)."  

"You have beautiful skin and you have fine pores."  I raised an eyebrow as she walked back to her chair to grab a slab of pizza from the box she and her colleagues were feasting on.  Yes, even that complimenting statement sounded like you have to salute to her. 

I hope you girls are claiming your packages just fine.  I wanna hear your stories if ever this similar event comes up! (I know our beloved Thiamere has had her fair share of Philippine PO oddities)

Review: In2it Eyebrow Powder Sure Lasts Loooooong


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I played with my computer's camera when I got home from classes and I was a bit disappointed with its resolution.  But what surprised me was that that my brows still looked thick and neat even after 10 hours of being in the humid, polluted and sweat-provoking metro.  Haha!  And oh, I used In2it Eyebrow Powder.

In2it's Eyebrow Powder has always been raved about by the girls over the forum I frequently check out.  And I'm glad I tried it out for myself!  I went out of the house in the morning with perfectly clean-looking eyebrows, and I went home with the same look I sported in the morning (well perhaps, a little subdued now, but it still looks fresh!)

In2it eyebrow powder, around 300+php (~$6)

Some people might find the lightest shade on the left unusable.  But I use that shade for the inner 3rd of my brows, and the middle shade for the outer 2/3rds.  And they look awesome!  I grew my brows thick and this kind of shade tandem just accentuates my thick brows without making me look like Oscar the Grouch.

It even has a cute mirror up there!

What I love about it:
the colors suit Asian skin; all colors are usable
keeps my brows neat and clean the whole day
very natural-looking on me, i can sport a full but soft-looking brows
they don't turn reddish on pictures
cheap and locally available

a bit chalky since I see particles of it on my lashes
brush that comes with it is too thick. i use an eyeliner brusher instead

Here's a puffer fish shot for liking this prod!

What I had on in the morning stayed put up till I got home and camwhored (thank you smashbox): In2it brow powder, my ususal Joppa foundies, AL's URFP

I used to be lemming for an eyebrow makeup that has a wax to fix my unruly brows.  But I can forget about that now because I'm in love with In2it's Eyebrow Powder's flattering shades and lasting power!

Thanks for reading!

Missha Watery Goes Home To...



kikayfetz of The Fifth Marauder

It was a let-down that the Missha Adoption entries trickled in (adoption candidacies totalled 4). I also felt bad for the poor Missha Watery BB cream coz it seemed like nobody wanted her  (and I'm even giving her away after Babyjap passed her on to me!)  

I hope this baby will be loved by our winner.  It'll really make me smile to know that this BB cream has finally found a home.

Will you Be in Megamall Tomorrow?




Well, if you are, please don't forget to drop by The Bodyshop's kiosk coz they're prepared to pamper you with their famous body butters!

They've got discounts on great makeup and skincare prods, PLUS, if you're registered with Girltalk/Femalenetwork, you get a FREE GIFT!  If you haven't signed up, click on the 'Girltalk' tab up there (uppermost part of this page) and start registering!

Topshop Sale


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Topshop's Private and Clearance Sales this year (2009) were totally disappointing in my opinion.  I used to get more stuff here than I do over Mango clearances, but 09 was a totally different story.

Perhaps because I got to their sales a little late this year?  I'm not sure.  But it's a big factor.

I remember the girls dissing Mango's end of season sale last December, but I'm not agreeable to that (albeit 08's sale was waaaay better) since I scored a moundful of tops and dresses for Christmas!  Yes, I was there during their 1st day's sale, opening hours.

Anyway, I shopped today and only bought a handful.

Topshop End of Season is ongoing.  You might want to drop by and get yourself some floral pieces, too!

On Freshlook Dailies and Mineral Makeups+ FOTD


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If you still remember my post on my dear friend Kristine's bachelorette party, I'd have to tell you that she already tied the knot last week!

Her wedding started at 9:30AM and I was late for the ceremony proper since I still had one patient to attend to.  With only an hour to spare for preps to her wedding, I pushed my luck on just  my amateur prettifying skills, mineral makeups and freshlook dailies contacts to give me some radiance that day.

And it didn't fail me! Yay!  My other childhood friend, Reina, sarcastically quipped that it was dubious that I'm out of time to prepare with the kind of makeup I was wearing.

The No -Makeup Look:

Clinique DDMG
Smasbox Photofinish Primer (Original)
Cinema Secrets Ultimate Foundation in 302-65A used as concealer on blemishes, pock marks & undereyes
Aromaleigh URFP in peaches and Cream using Charm stippling brush
Joppa FC Medium 3 using EDM flat top brush (2 layers)
Joppa Grecian Gold using EDM flat top brush (1 layer)
Aromaleigh URFP in peaches and Cream again to seal in all the mineral :-)

The Bodyshop Lip & Cheek tint patted on cheeks

Freshlook Dailies Contacts in Pure Hazel
Fanny Serrano black gel liner using Fanny Serrano angled liner brush
The Face Shop's false lashes
Fanny Serrano lash curler

Fanny Serrano clear mascara
Lancome dual eyeshadow (Noix shade) using Fanny Serrano angled liner brush to fill in sparse areas of brows

Now these shots were taken after the reception's program.  My lip and cheek stain's awesome job can no longer be appreciated.  My mineral makeup has made me look dewy, not oily.  My eyes, despite the lack of shadows, still popped with the freshlook dailies+flasies tandem.

Reina in her taupe dress, me in my floral number, and Kristine, of course, in her bridal gown.

The three of us have been friends way back Kindergarten days in Maryknoll Child Study Center.  We've been schoolmates/busmates for 12 years, too.  We've fought over stickers, snubbed each other during that time and even caused the entire schoolbus (including our seniors) to be divided as they took sides.  We've sang 'The greatest love of all' with what we then thought was 'voicing', pioneered trick or treating in our village, graduated and made our parents proud altogether.

These people are the closest to my heart although we barely see each other after college (we live in the same village!).  We may have new sets of people we hang out with at present, but we know deep inside us that we are genuinely bestfriends forever!

PS:  These were the pock marks that I had to conceal.  I just thought I had to share.  Natural makeup is very possible even if you have lots of blemishes and ugly, ugly, ugly scars.

Pock marks, pimple blemishes, and monolids.  The solution? (at least temporarily! =D) Mineral makeup, a good concealer, eye tapes and freshlook dailies!

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