Archive for February 2011

Catching Up With the Gang at Crisostomo


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Happy Sunday everyone! I'm sharing one of my fondest moments during the first quarter of 2011... hanging out with my college classmates in PT at Crisostomo Restaurant!

We loved how we sort of had the place to ourselves --- well at least that area immediately outside the resto since we had friends who smoked their guts out.

My PT classmates @ Crisostomo Restaurant in Libis, QC, Jan 2011

Some of the food we ordered

The interior and lighting were posh enough to exude an inviting ambiance for couples or groups of friends. It could, however, ward off potential Crisostomo customers who may conclude that the food may be priced sky-high.

We opted for Filipino food because of our balikbayan classmates. They've been in the U.S. for quite some time and are dying to gobble up as much Filipino food as they can. The resto's menu was packed with amusing dish names, reminiscent of Noli and El Fili, that kept us entertained (Adobo Damaso kept us roaring with laughter! Care to take a bite off Padre Damaso's fats?)

Ensaladang Erehe (leafy veggies w/ tomatoes,
chopped green mangoes, onions and shrimp paste)

Adobo Rice

A party of Pinoy sauces (drooling over bagoong/shrimp paste)

A big platter of grilled stuff --- stuffed squid, milkfish belly,
and some other fish I can't name + chicken and pork bbq

Overall, the food was okay but I wouldn't spend that much on something that my mom can cook as good at home. Service was good, but not exemplary (perhaps because we ate outside?). It's more for balikbayans, and if you want to impress foreigner friends. 

Crisostomo is a fine resto to go to but there are other Filipino restos that offer fairly-priced Pinoy dishes you can enjoy!

Crisostomo Restaurant
2/F Eastwood Mall Veranda, 
Libis Quezon City
(02) 710-1693
Crisostomo, Turn of the Century Filipino Cuisine

Veranda dining area @ Crisostomo 

Pretty Model Slimming Capsules Review Part 1


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It's been a little over a month since I've been taking Pretty Model Slimming Capsules. I initially planned to write a review after the 3rd month, but I feel that I'm already seeing plausible (and non-pleasing ones) results that I decided to share my thoughts on this product.

Pretty Model Slimming Capsules, 450mg each pill, taken 2x/day

Buy Authentic Pretty Model
Slimming Capsules HERE

These pills are designed for weight loss, skin whitening, and reduction of unsightly fats in the arms, legs, abs and buttocks. Only a week after taking these pills, I was already astounded at what the bathroom scale reading gave me! These dirt-cheap pills are surprisingly effective.

Product Info:
Pretty Model Slimming Capsules' main components are: glossy ganoderma, Chinese watermelon peel, ginseng, lotus leaf, aweto and chitosan

Product claims that it...
  • Improves skin quality and diminishes acne
  • Reduces fat accumulation at waist, abdomen, arm and thigh
  • Does not result to diarrhea, anorexia, and rebound side-effects
  • Is suited for those who repeatedly fail in fat reduction
  • Eliminates toxin accumulation, preventing fecal impaction (coprostasis) 
  • Is suited for those who want to reduce fat 13 kilograms in a month 
  • Provides physical sculpting in common problem areas. It softens the waist, flattens abs, firms up butt, slenders arms, thighs and calves

Pretty model slimming capsules are appetite suppressants to be taken twice a day, 30 minutes after breakfast and lunch/dinner. Each capsule contains 450mg of potent slimming ingredients.

This weight loss supplement is PROHIBITED to children, pregnant women, and those suffering from serious health conditions (the pamphlet did not categorize 'serious').

I lost 7lbs after a week. It effectively worked as an appetite suppressant since my usual strong food cravings significantly nosedived to zero. Perhaps too effective that I was only eating ONE decent meal a day during that week! In trying to address this, I reduced dosage to 1x a day, 30mins after lunch and got 'healthier' results.

Pretty Model Slimming Capsules are sold in boxes containing 2 pouches, containing 1 blister pack each

Pretty Model Slimming pills gave me this frequent dry, metallic taste in my mouth. This could be the reason why it suddenly became a challenge for me to want to gobble up anything.

Taking into account this weight loss supplement's claims, the only thing I can vouch for is its ability to rapidly let you lose WEIGHT (not necessarily fat). It was also good that I drank ample amounts of water during the day (due to the the dry, metallic taste side effect) because I used to not meet the 8-glasses-of-water-a-day rule.

Other Side Effects
Apart from dry mouth and the lingering metallic taste, I also experienced:
  • moderate headaches that lasted minutes (days 1-4)
  • extreme mood swings (days 2-7)
  • lightheadedness (days 1-4)
Other users of the pretty model slimming capsule have also reported breast pain, difficulty in breathing and sleep problems. Some attribute the difficulty in breathing to chitosan, one of the main ingredients. The BF, who's extremely allergic to seafoods, takes these pills too but never reported any allergic reactions.

Pretty Model Slimming Pills are available through local resellers in, and Price ranges from P180-450/box. These are sold in sets of 20 capsules per box. 

Pretty Model Slimming Pills ranges from P180 to P450 per 20 caps
10 capsules per blister pack

There've been rumors that there are circulating boxes that are fakes. Fake ones are said to not have the holographic marking on the box. Also, make sure that your box contains: (1) a pamphlet (in Chinese and English), (2) 2 plastic pouches containing blister pack each, and (3) 20 pearl-like capsules.

Authentic Pretty Model Slimming Capsules box
Surface when struck by light + box has a textured feel

Part 2
To prevent this review in becoming such a drag (look how lengthy it's become! *rolls eyes*), I'll be writing about this weight loss supplement at another time. There's still a lot you should know about.

I'm such a bad writer for being unable to write concisely. And since I can hardly address that problem (reviewing in an epic way), allow me to section this fitness review, so please stay tuned for the installment on Pretty Model Slimming Capsules! :)

Laughtrip Post: Totallylookslike 2


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Are you feeling sad and depressed these days? How about a new set of photos to liven you up?

My favorite. I have no idea who the French guy is but he looks like he can keep a rat above his head, too.

Apart from the physical similarities, was the happy Llama able to assimilate the Dalai Lama's wisdom, too?

I find Susan Sarandon beautiful. This wigged dog added some spice to my definition of her beauty, though.

Separated at birth:

Among the bunch of Bieber look-alikes, this was the only one that impressed me (why, even Manny Pacquiao looks Bieberized!).

I love Lisa Kudrow when she sings 'Smelly Cat' in Friends. I wonder if the Argentinian actress would like to get the lyrics and strum the guitar one day...

Physics brainiac Hawking is photgraphed still able to stand up here (although he was already using a cane at this time), while Artie sits on a wheelchair. After Glee, Artie leaves the wheelchair, while Hawking, at present, is strapped to his electronic wheelchair suffering from the debilitating conditions of ALS.

Forgive me, RPatz fans. Let the 3rd row of photos blow you away!

It's almost been 2 years since my last totallylookslike laughtrip post. The bf and I still get a good laugh up till now from that first list I posted. Coming up with part 2 was a bit more difficult since the site's list grew unbelievable longer. I noticed though that it seemed harder to find entries that were really funny. I hope that these chosen ones that made the cut made you laugh... one way or another.

Bieber Bangs Goes Down The Drain... But Not In Vain!




Would you be thrilled if you knew that your cut-off locks had some huge value in it? Justine Bieber gets a hair cut and all the cut hair will be given to charity.

from Vanessa Price's tweet 

The iconic 'do waved goodbye a day ago to millions of gushing Bieber fans. Justin Bieber tweets:

The fab hairdresser, Vanessa Price, is surely in for huge popularity, a long line of clients and probably an added thousands of twitter followers.

I think I like him better this way. It's amazing how celebs can make huge money from their chopped hair.

Will be getting a haircut next week. Anyone interested in mine?

Brand Favorites: Clinique + Feb Sweepstakes


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The first time I laid eyes on a Clinique product was when I was four. I always snuck out mama's Clinique lippies from her purse since they looked glossier than my good old crayons on paper.

I now realize how badly I behaved. I should be putting on Crayola on my lips as penance since Clinique products aren't priced low here in the Philippines. The relatively steep price points (U.S prices are waaaay cheaper) are a bit prohibitive but since this is such a good brand, I still make sure that I spend on a couple of their products that made it on my Brand Favorites list:

1. Clinique Moisture Surge Extended Relief

This has a gel-like consistency and does an amazing job in moisturizing my face. This tub is simply something that'll make you feel good about your skin while slathering it on. I hope I do not break out with this in the future.

If they only had it in a better packaging (bottle w/pump), I wouldn't have to worry about losing my spatula and keeping it bacteria-free.

2. Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizer

I stopped using this last year because it started breaking me out. I remember how I used to put the Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel on a pedestal (for a good 9-10months) before the big zit fiasco. In fairness to the product, I really fell in love with its texture, finish, scent, pumped bottle and how effective it was in allowing me to wake up with softer and more supple skin the next day.

Also, I noticed that this is more easily absorbed by the skin compared to the Moisture Surge Extended Relief. This is something I will not be using for the meantime but will never stop others from getting their hands on this excellent moisturizer.

3. Clinique Superfit Foundation

This tops my list of the best liquid foundies I've ever used!

While it may not completely hide my deepest acne scars, I love the fact that it had the most blendable consistency and was able to even out my skin tone so naturally while gliding like a dream on my face.

This is the first foundation that allowed me to experience how the skin can actually breathe even with a foundation on top of it. I never got zits from this product.

I wore Neutral 07. The sad thing about this foundie is that it oxidizes on my acidic skin and I'm having a hard time getting a perfect shade match (my sister loves Neutral). I bought Cream Beige to replace Neutral but I still think that there's a better shade out there for me... I just need a PATIENT beauty attendant to really help me out and not act like the first shade she puts on me is THE ONE.

4. Clinique Clarifying Lotion

I've tried a couple of toners before (Dickinson'w Witch Hazel, Celeteque, L'oreal Pure Zone's, etc) and nothing has ever stepped up to how the Clinique Clarifying Lotion primps and prettifies my skin. It is part of the 3-step skincare I purchased but I have to say that this product is among those that can stand on its own despite being tagged as a part of a certain group.

I've already switched from Clinique toner 3 to 2 and I can say that both variants are working well for me. I can never deny the fact that my makeup never fails to looks prettier and fresh with this toner underneath it (versus a blah and boring and flaky look without toning the skin first).

5. The Clinique Turnaround Tandem

If I could splurge, I will never miss on replenishing my stocks on Clinique's Turnaround Concentrate Visible Skin Renewer and the Turnaround Instant Facial Masque. Since these two are really priced sky-high at Clinique counters, I still wait for my expenses to lie-low a bit before I can put these babies on my to-buy list.

The Turnaround Concentrate Serum absorbs like the DDMG but finishes like Smashbox's Photofinish Primer. You can just imagine how the skin feels so soft and velvetty before hitting the sack (lucky pillow)! The serum gives my face a healthy, radiant glow the following morning like I'm on glutathione. I merely have words to glorify this product but they still fall short in describing how perfect this serum is as a part of any girl's skincare routine.

The Turnaround Instant Facial Masque (an exfoliating clay masque) is the last thing I'll be getting if I'm on a tight budget. Don't get me wrong, it's one of my favorites, but who needs to spend so much on masques, right? The turnaround instant facial is so dear to me that I use this sparingly (and only on the night before a special event!).

The masque's scent is absolutely regal and the microbeads in it are just the finest ones that ever touched my skin. These are just the kind of exfoliating beads I wished St. Ives Apricot Scrub had.

I always felt that masques are unnecessary add-ons to skincare (because I never saw instant effects!), but with this product, my skin exudes an eye-catching sheen after rinsing the face.

Looking back at that story when I was four, I'm glad that mama never scolded me (and my brother) for rendering her Clinique lipsticks and eyeshadows unusable. It's amazing to note too that by the time I was old enough for makeup, she advised me to get Clinique prods since I had sensitive skin. She added that I had to enjoy the brand before I get to have kids who'd possibly mess around with my purse someday.

For my readers who reside in the U.S., here's Clinique's treat for you. If you want to get a chance to win a Milly wardrobe and some fab bags, ENTER HERE.

6 Tips to Optimize the 30-Day Shred Workout's Benefits


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How do you actually make Jillian Michaels' 30-Day Shred Workout slim you down? How do you avoid becoming frustrated at the end with zero results and not conclude that this is just-another-exercise-vid? Here are some of the best tips to maximize this exercise program:

1. Record your measurements and THR

Technically, the metal fat caliper is the most objective tool that can tell us if the exercise program worked for us, but since tape measures and weighing scales are the most available tools  around the house (and cheaper, too! metal fat calipers can cost you no less than P10k and plastic ones are around P1,500), these two are already good enough.

30-Day Shred Workout Base Measurement (arm)
noting the exact part where I initially measured upper arm
circumference (red marker to crease of inner elbow area)

Measure around the biggest part of your upper arms & thighs, the waist (narrowest part of your torso), and the belly area. Make sure you note the exact part where you initially measured (arms and thighs only) so that all future readings are taken most likely on the same areas too.

30-Day Shred Workout Base Measurement (thigh)
red marker to base of patella (upper area of kneecap)

THR is target heart rate. Do you ever compute for this? The target heart rate is essential in determining if an exercise protocol is truly effective in improving your cardiovascular system. Every after exercise, you have to check your pulse rate (beats per minute) if it reaches the THR. To compute, you have to note down your Resting Heart Rate (RHR: pulse count in one FULL minute, at rest) and Maximum Heart Rate (HRmax: 220-age).

THR= 65-90%(HRmax-RHR)+RHR
(i.e., I do 80% of my THR: 80%(190-70)+70). I should end up with a heart rate reading of 166 beats per minute to consider an exercise effective in improving my heart and lungs)

The proper percentage to use will be discussed in tip number 5.

2. AM or PM?

So when is the best time to exercise, really? You can do the 30-Day Shred Workout any time during the day that you are most available and willing to work out. Some are morning persons, feeling that they are able to  comply more with exercise if they do it first thing during the day, and some are afternoon buffs, feeling more able to exercise after office or school work.

When is the best time to exercise? 

Since there is no reliable and sufficient literature that has proven that the time of the day can affect the body's efficiency in burning calories, it doesn't matter if you do it in the AM or PM; what matters is that you do the routine and you stick to it.

3. Screen the video before starting a level

One of the biggest mistakes I did was to start the program, out of sheer excitement, without screening the video first. It is best to practice the exercises involved on the pertinent level (3 Levels, 10 days for each level) you will be doing before starting the workout session.

Screening the 30-Day Shred Workout will help you prevent exercise injuries. Set a time to learn and practice each movement so that when you start your session, you are able to move right without worrying about being able to cope with the trainer's pacing. In this light, you will be able to say that you did Day 1 of each level properly and did not merely spend it on learning how to properly position yourself.

4. Never skip static stretching

At the start of the video, Jillian tells you to do dynamic stretching to open up the muscles. Doing this solely prior to working out was the second biggest mistake I did. I ended up with severely sore muscles the next day that I had to skip the training for several days.

I emphasize that you properly stretch the following muscle groups: triceps, biceps, pectorals/chest muscles, quads/front thigh muscles, hams/back thigh muscles, and the gastrocs/calves. I contracted a terrible case of DOMS for these muscle groups.

Static Stretching Guide
(but should not be limited to these muscle groups)

Properly stretching these muscles means that you have to hold (don't bounce) the stretched position for at least 30 sec, 3 reps each side. Doing static stretching prior to the 30-Day Shred Workout will give you more benefits by letting you exercise consistently and prevent injuries worse than DOMS (think: pulled muscles, sprains, fracture).

5. Exercise Parameters

Frequency: Jillian suggests that the routine be done 6x/day. This is crazy unless you are on the obese state.  Three to four times a week is ideal.
Duration: 40 mins. 10 minutes for static stretching and 30 mins for the 30-Day Shred Workout routine
Intensity: THR: 65% of HRmax (beginners), 70-90% of HRmax (exercising individuals); if you do not achieve your target heart rate, you can repeat doing the entire level (so that's 1 hour of the routine!)
Mode: Interval training + Resistance exercise (this is actually the best way to gain a metabolic boost to bust the fat in the fastest possible time)

More Tips: poundage of weights: I use 2lbs and will progress accordingly; sedentary individuals can start with 1lb
rest periods during the workout: NONE. Jillian is a strict trainer and I love her for that!
On DOMS: Do not push yourself to do the 30-Day Shred Workout while your muscles are aching. You will barely gain any benefit from that painful session (due to limited movement) and you are prone to aggravating your muscle pain. Ice the aching area/s for 10-15mins to impede muscle inflammation and allow faster healing.

6. Boost the program 100%

No better way to achieve this than to tandem the workout with a balanced diet. Never resort to starvation as you will only deplete yourself substantial energy you need, leaving the body with zero taste to even lift the butt off the couch. Not good. 

Most dieters connote dieting to eating seldom and they end up losing all the muscles, retaining all the fat. That's just the saddest thing on earth! 

Eat right. Carbs are necessary to keep you energized all throughout the day and especially during training; get your energy from unrefined carbs such as fruits, nuts, whole wheat products, and vegetables. Avoid the bad carbs (refined carbohydrates) because they are the ones that contribute hugely in building the unnecessary fat in the body. 

Photo Source

This is such a long post on the 30-Day Shred Workout (for those asking for the video download info, you can contact me.). I have tons of insights that I just couldn't contain and I had to discuss them within these 6 points. I hope you learned a thing or two from the eye-strain and I'm more eager that you start committing to a healthier lifestyle today.

Be Sexy With the 30-Day Shred Workout


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Jillian Michaels' 30-Day Shred Workout is honestly working well for me.  If you find jogging difficult to include in your lifestyle, a bit boring, and barely effective in sculpting your body, then this 30-Day Shred Workout is worth all the trouble.

UPDATE: Part 2 on this exercise is HERE.

Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred Workout Level 1

I lost the love for jogging (I used to regularly jog 4x a week, at least 30mins) after not doing it for a good number of months. The long hiatus (thanks to the 2010 Holidays) was such a drawback that I'm growing several unflattering inches on my belly and thighs (plus a teeny bit on the arms; however, I find it easier to battle jiggly arms). Needless to say, there's a growing pile of tops that are to snug on the tummy, and bottoms that are too tight halfway through the thighs. Terrible.

The Jillian Michaels' 30-Day Shred Workout is composed of 3 Levels of training. It takes 10 days before you progress to the next level. (I'm currently on Level 1, Day 8). Each level has several sets of 3-minute strength training, 2-minute cardio and a minute of abs workout; you get to spend 30-minutes tops on this training program.

36-yr old Jillian posing for Red Book, 2010
Photo Source

The Jillian Michaels' 30-Day Shred Workout is heaven-sent. I already feel my body getting back in good shape. I remember Day 1, I'm already sweating badly on the 5th-minute mark on the video (my endurance vanished in thin air after the tapered training). I'm barely sweating after 15 minutes of jogging.

I have a long list of insights on this wonderful workout. I'll fill you in with the best tips on how to make this program cut off a huge chunk of fat from your body. Stay tuned for Part 2 of the 30-Day Shred Workout post on Tuesday!

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