How I Shape and Groom My Brows




A lot of youtube beauty gurus and beauty bloggers have already attested to how shaping and grooming the brows can make a huge improvement on how the face looks like.

BEBEXO taught me how shaping is done while GLINTZY influenced me on how eyebrow grooming should be like (all tools used in the two tutorials are available at local Beauty stores: Watson's, Landmark and SM Beauty). 

Here's a before and after photo of my brows. You will notice that my brows look lighter after shaping and grooming, all thanks to the Sally Hansen bleaching kit

Coloring, shaping and grooming the brows
I can even improve them by putting on a little brow makeup (a browset/wax or minimal filling)

Personal Advice. I strongly encourage that you first bleach the brows a day before you head to shaping and grooming them. I've tried doing conversely, but the results weren't as nice. It's best to shape and groom the brows after lightening them if you do not want to end up with an accidentally thinner brows (bleaching makes the brows look thinner; imagine if you've groomed/shaped in an already thin fashion, the brows become far more thin if you bleach it afterwards).

I can definitely say that my face improved just by paying attention to my brows' shape and color. I believe that brow grooming, shaping and bleaching are fun things to go through with tons of benefits. I now have that very natural and nice arch that frames my face to make me a bit more classy to look at.


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