Drooling Over Others' Lower Lashes


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Nope, this isn't a weird fetish of mine. It just hit me that amped up lower lashes (that's not over the top!) can be a great way to get others give you that second look.

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Here are a couple of drool-worthy lashes from real people:

There are some lucky girls who can use a normal false eyelash as top and bottom lashes:

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Which can be really too much for certain eye shapes:

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She's got pretty eyes, but the specific falsies she used had an overly thick base that didn't flatter her. Would it have made a difference if she glued on something with a thinner false eyelash base? Or, cut the falsies to fit only the outer 1/3 of her lower lashline? Let's see...

Falsies applied on the outer 1/3 of her lower lashline

Now, you can also get yourself some falsies that were made for the lower lashes. Let's look at Jae here:

She even showed us how a set of lower lash falsies can make a difference. Her right eye sans the lower lash falsies, while the left eye a bit more dramatic with the falsies:

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Ekimura shows you the difference, too! Her right eye's the one with false lower lashes.

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Different types of lower lash falsies:

Photo collated from HERE

Interested in experimenting with your lower lashes? Do tell me about it if you get the chance to dress them up! Pictures will be appreciated :)

Now, it's beginning to become a weird fetish...


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