My Close Up White Now Fail Story




I'm obviously not happy with how Close Up White Now fared on my pearly whites (well, they're not so white that's why I gushed about this breakthrough product when I learned about it). Perhaps because I've set my standards way too high on this that I threw the idea of it being just another "whitening" toothpaste.

Close Up White Now Toothpaste

However, the box says 'White Now'.

And so I was smitten. It promises an instantly whiter teeth c/o a potent ingredient, blue covarine foam, which will cause the instantly white effect that can last up to 3 hours. How in the world can a girl not fall for a teeth makeup? Closeup White Now is a breakthrough! Or so I thought it was.

After brushing, I slowly (imagine, real slow) lifted my head from looking at the sink to the mirror. There was some drama to it because this IS the first time I'm using a teeth makeup and I felt like crying. But to my dismay, I didn't see anything different, even to the slightest degree. Nada. Nil, zilch and void.

Michelle Phan Endorsement

For a product that promises an instantly white teeth (for 3 hours), the verdict can be delivered in no more than a minute post-brushing. I could've crucified Close Up White Now that very instant but decided to still give it a chance. 

Down to the last drop, I never saw anything great. Though it made my teeth squeaky clean and the flavor was truly refreshing, sadly, it was just another toothpaste. If there's any consolation, it did not cause me chin zits the entire time I used it.

Close Up White Now gel sure looks enticing!
I failed to capture the blue-ish part of the product.

It could've been my teeth or the way I brush, I wouldn't know. But I really felt terrible that Close Up White Now didn't work for me as a teeth makeup.


  1. Anonymous
  2. Anonymous
  3. Anonymous
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